< Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Zombies Ate My Neighbors/YMMV

  • Demonic Spiders: Plenty of both.
    • The freaking vampires. They're nearly invincible and once encountered, they will chase you through the level until you either win it or die.
  • Ear Worm: All the music in this game is very catchy, even after hearing the same 7 or so songs for 50 levels.
  • First Installment Wins: Good luck to anyone who tries to find at least one person who thinks Ghoul Patrol is better than Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
  • Game-Breaker: The Monster Potion, which grants a few minutes of Nigh Invulnerable, and also has punches that can destroy ALL but a few bosses very quickly and that can break through walls and doors.
    • Password "BCDF" is the most useful password you can use; it takes you to an obscure bonus level based off of Day of the Tentacle, where you can find a lot of goodies and an extra life. If that wasn't bad enough, if you have bazooka ammo left over, you can go there again! And losing no victims in either runthrough pretty much means that you can max your lives before the fifth level.
  • Goddamned Bats
  • Hell Is That Noise: Whenever a hostage dies and you hear them scream.
  • That One Boss: Have fun battling Dr. Tongue's spider form. A huge target that is capable of moving very quickly, spitting web all over the place that slows your character down, spawning little spiders to attack you... Unlike every other monster, he has no weapon that will quickly kill him, and the most effective weapon is very hard to find. To make matters worse, he's fought twice, and after the second time, he transforms into another form.
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