< Zombie Loan
Zombie Loan/YMMV
- Fan-Preferred Couple: Chika/Michiru.
- Ho Yay: Shiba and Chika. Tohou's obsession with Shito. Chika and Shito... ah hell. Pretty much any guy with any other guy.
- Les Yay: Michiru and Yomi.
- Moral Event Horizon: Lao Ye kills Shito's mother's fiancee on the night before the wedding. And when she committed suicide, he brought her back to life, just so she could be with him. He would later possess Shito's body and rip out Koyomi's "Dead Man's Tongue" in order to achieve it.
- Squick: The fact that Shito's mother, who is a corpse, gave birth to Shito, who is also a corpse is just very disturbing.
- just try not to think about that too much.
- Tear Jerker: The fate of the Cute Mute golem girl.
- The Woobie: Pretty much the whole cast could apply to this.
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