< Zombi 2

Zombi 2/YMMV

  • Moral Event Horizon: A note to General Morton: when trying to contain the zombie virus you just lost to a couple of nutjobs (one of whom had just loosed it in a hotel), you don't just kill everyone inside indiscriminately, even as a search-and-destroy operation against potential zombies. Granted, you have a valid excuse for this order to your decontamination squad, but if the technology was available in the '80s, it would've been common courtesy to at least screen the hotel guests and staff for infection before killing them. And on the subject of burning the one who started it, why didn't you listen to your scientists when they warned that smoke coming out of the incinerator as a direct result could potentially infect the air, and instead carefully consider other ways to dispose of his remains?
  • So Bad It's Good: Zombi 3D.
  • Strangled by the Red String: Anne and Peter, after going the entire movie with hardly any romantic tension, suddenly pick a time where they're lost on an island crawling with undead, having just narrowly avoided being killed, to start making out on the ground. Though it was probably justified by the filmmakers as it creates an excuse for a zombie's hand to come out of the ground and grab Anne's hair.
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