Zoids: New Century Zero/Characters

This is the character sheet for Zoids: New Century Zero. It's got quite a few for such a relatively short series, so enjoy!

Blitz Team

Bit Cloud

Voice Actor: Richard Ian Cox

The series protagonist, Bit begins the series as a drifter in the slow process of gathering enough parts to build himself a zoid partner. His plans change when he meets the Blitz Team and the Liger Zero takes a shine to him; he decides to join the team and partner up with Liger Zero. Though understandably inexperienced when he first starts out, Bit manages to pull his weight through a combination of Hot Bloodedness and sheer happenstance; opinions differ, both in universe and without, on whether he's an Idiot Hero or a master of Obfuscating Stupidity. Either way, it's not long before his opponents stop underestimating him, and he eventually grows into a talented warrior in his own right.

  • Hot-Blooded: Bit's overenthusiastic combat style is the key to his success; Jamie once tried to model Bit in combat simulations and he did worse when programed to act more "intelligently".
  • Idiot Hero: Bit fits the bill in the beginning of the series (unless you believe his apparently idiocy to be a ploy), but grows out of it as he gains experience.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Not even the other characters can decide if Bit is this or just a lucky bastard in the early episodes.
  • Rookie Red Ranger: Bit is the newest member of the pre-existing Blitz Team, but swiftly becomes key to the team's success.
  • Worthy Opponent: Bit practically collects 'em. There's Jack to the Jager, Leon to the Schnieder, Stoeller to the Panzer, and Vega to the Liger Zero as a whole.

Brad Hunter

Voice Actor: Samuel Vincent

A calmer, more professional counterpart to Bit, Brad is a mercenary who technically isn't a permanent member of the Blitz Team, but none the less remains with them for the entire length of the series. Concerned first and foremost about prize money, he generally avoids fights he isn't being paid for, but that doesn't stop him from helping out when necessary. He pilots a Command Wolf for most of the series, but obtains the Shadow Fox near the end.

Leena Toros

Voice Actor: Kelly Sheridan

The Blitz Team's resident firepower aficionado, Leena really enjoys shooting her opponents a whole lot. Rather self-absorbed, she's at least as concerned with her personal pilot ranking as she is with the Blitz Team's success as a whole. She pilots a Dibison at first, but later upgrades to a heavily customized Gunsniper. She's also the object of Harry Champ's affections, which she alternately bemoans and shamelessly uses to her advantage. Leon is her brother; Dr. Toros is her father.

  • The Big Guy: Fits the trope in terms of personality and combat role, if not physical traits.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: She's fond of it, particularly toward Bit. She's gone so far as using a zoid to blow up the Jeep he was desperately fleeing in when he accidentally walked in on her in the bath.
  • Tsundere: Heavily leaning toward the violent, angry end of the scale. The number of times her sweeter side comes out can be counted on one hand.

Jamie Hemeros

Voice Actor: Bill Switzer

Jamie is the Blitz Team's strategist, combat coordinator, and assistant to Dr. Toros. He also acts as a pilot occasionally, being the only member of the team with an aerial zoid, but he is not particularly skilled in this department. Despite this, he is extremely devoted to his beloved Pteras, and bemoans its being repeatedly shot down in combat. Dr. Toros eventually trades the Pteras in for a much more capable Raynos. Taking the Raynos into combat brings out another side of the rather meek Jamie; known as the Wild Eagle, this personality is much more confident and aggressive (though not particularly more skilled) than his normal self.

  • Running Gag: Jamie shouting some variation of "My poor Pteras!" after it's shot down... which happens every time it's launched (whether Jamie's at the controls or not).
  • The Smart Guy: In his role as tactical planner and mission control for the Blitz Team. Given who he has to work with, they ignore his advice as often as not.
  • Split Personality: The Wild Eagle, which only emerges during aerial combat after having broken the sound barrier.

"The Wild Eagle is immortal!" *thud*

Doctor Steven Toros

Voice Actor: Ron Halder

Dr. Toros is the Blitz Team's sponsor and nominal leader, though he tends to let Jamie handle the battle planning. Remarkably immature for a middle-aged man with a doctorate degree, he frequently makes decisions based on what would be coolest, and can often be seen playing with model zoids (lovingly rendered in the same Conspicuous CG as the real things). Those who underestimate him do so at their peril, however; he can be unexpectedly shrewd (especially when it comes to money) and is genuinely gifted when it comes to upgrading and customizing zoids. He is Leena and Leon's father.

  • Adult Child: The largest part of Jamie's job description as Dr. Toros' assistant seems to be babysitter.
  • Mad Scientist: He has definite traits of it, though he's much more mild about it than most examples.
  • Team Dad: He has some elements of this, when it breaks through his immaturity.

Zoid Battle Commission


Voice Actor: Colin Murdock

Actually a series of identical robots, the Judge supervises all sanctioned battles. The law on the battlefield, the Judge's decisions are final. Deployed to battlefields by dropping from a judge satellite in a judge capsule, which rockets them back into space once the battle is complete.

  • The Chew Toy: The longer the series goes on, the more abuse the Judge gets. It's hilarious precisely because of the Judges' previously established dignified and professional demeanor.
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience: The Judges, their capsules, and their satellites are all solid white, as opposed to the Dark Judge's black.
  • Combat Referee
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Climbing out of the wreckage of his judge capsule in order to suplex the Dark Judge, while declaring "I... am the law... on the battlefield!" and striking a kung-fu pose, complete with Cherry Blossoms mysteriously appearing on the breeze and accompanying Kabuki Sounds.

Tigers Team

A trio of warriors named Kirkland, Omari, and Lineback, they pilot Saber Tigers. The first episode features them nearly defeating the Blitz Team (who gain a respite due to Bit's illegal presence on the battlefield), but during the rematch Bit and the Liger Zero join midbattle and defeat them. This marks the beginning of a painful losing streak for the Tigers, despite several attempts to break out of it, such as joining forces with Dr. Layon (twice). Eventually they change their name to the Zaber Fangs in an attempt to shed their bad luck.

  • Book Ends: They have their first win in series, when they were trying to capitalize on Leon's tripped Zoid, postponed/invalidated due to Bit appearing on the field. In their last match in series, the entire team trips, costing them the match.
  • Butt Monkey: They never catch a break.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Bit decides that the Tigers' problem is that their name doesn't fit their team, and makes several helpful suggestions for a more appropriate one, like the "Fuzzy Pandas Team".
    • Crowning Moment of Funny: They manage to get into the Royal Cup on a wild card, but when they try to battle the Blitz Team, the Judge announces them as the Fuzzy Pandas team. This causes their zoids to Face Fault, freezing their combat systems and thus eliminating them from the tournament. The judge quickly declares the Blitz Team the winners in an embarrassed tone and retreats to his judge capsule.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": The Zaber Fangs, their new team name, is an alternate translation for the zoids they pilot, the Saber Tiger.
  • Theme Naming: The three warriors are named after players for the Hanshin Tigers, a Japanese baseball team with an enthusiastic fanbase despite a reputation for being "cursed", similar to the Chicago Cubs.

Naomi Flugel

Voice Actor: Saffron Henderson

The leader of the Flugel Team and one of the first opponents faced by the Blitz Team after Bit joins, Naomi pilots a customized Gun Sniper. Unsurprisingly, she specializes in sniper duels, special matches were warriors are allowed only six rounds of ammunition each. At first she habitually picks up random rookie pilots to fill out her team roster, content to use them as decoys while she does all the actual fighting herself, but late in the series she recruits Leon Toros as her partner, resulting in a potent short range/long range duo.

  • Cold Sniper
  • Expy: A Char Clone, sort of; her custom Gunsniper is red, and she's nicknamed the Red Comet, but she doesn't otherwise resemble Char in terms of personality of backstory. Amusingly, her theme song is titled "Here Comes the Red Comet!", a reference to Char's theme from Mobile Suit Gundam, "Here Comes Char!".
  • Ship Tease: She has a definite thing for Brad, but it's never explored whether he returns her feelings.

Harry Champ

Voice Actor: Brad Swaile

The leader of the Champ Team, composed of himself and his two robots, Benjamin and Sebastian. He usually pilots a modified Dark Horn, but has "everything from a Gojulas to Cannon Tortoises" in his hanger, and by the end of the series he's switched to an Iron Kong. Harry is the heir to a vast fortune, and uses this to his advantage in the world of zoid battles. He is hopelessly infatuated with Leena, and her lack of reciprocation generally only inspires him to new heights in his quest for her love.

  • Catch Phrase: "My name's Harry Champ! I'm a man destined to be king!"
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Directed entirely at Leena
  • The Fool: He has amazingly good luck (as evidence by his first encounter with Jack Cisco and his wild card entry into the Royal Cup) despite his relative mediocrity as a zoid pilot, though not to the point of being Born Lucky.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: Though he's the heir to an unspeakably vast fortune, his best friends are a pair of robots (that he built himself), and he seems to be interested in zoid battles primarily as something to do with his time between pining for Leena and having more money than God.

Benjamin and Sebastian

Two robots custom-built for Harry, but that doesn't stop them from being entirely human in terms of personality. They're Harry's only real friends, as well as being pilots for the Champ Team and general assistants for Harry. Benjamin is the taller one and pilots a modified Stealth Viper; Sebastian is the shorter one, and pilots a customized Heldigunner. Both later upgrade to Iron Kongs. They get a Day in The Limelight episode late in the series when Benjamin falls in love with a Judge robot -- a specific Judge robot -- and Harry and Bit help unite the pair.

  • Determinator: Benjamin, when pursuing the Judge he'd fallen in love with.
  • Those Two Guys: They mostly hang around and provide running commentary on Harry's patheticness during episodes where he appears.

Jack Cisco

Voice Actor: Brian Drummond

A professional mercenary and notorious zoid warrior, Jack fights for a paycheck. Not concerned solely with money, he's somewhat picky about the clients he takes on. Jack pilots a Lightning Saix, a cheetah-like zoid capable of reaching staggeringly high speeds. In his first appearance, Harry hires him to help defeat the Blitz Team. In later appearances, he joins forces with the Tasker sisters, two additional Lightning Saix pilots.

  • Hired Gun: As with Brad, he fights for cash. Unlike Brad, he doesn't favor a particular team... at least at first.
  • The Stoic
  • Worthy Opponent: He considers Bit this, as one of the few pilots who instinctively understands the nature of high-speed battles such as those between the Lightning Saix and the Liger Zero Jager.

The Tasker Sisters

Voice Actor: Kelly Sheridan (voices both)

Chris and Kelly Tasker, two sisters that form the Lightning Team. They pilot Lightning Saix, specializing in high-speed battles. Jack Cisco joins them after his defeat with Harry, reasoning that working together with other top pilots will help increase his own skills. The Tasker sisters themselves don't get much screentime, but the Lightning Team is notable for being the only group to defeat the Blitz Team throughout the entire course of the series.

  • Always Someone Better: They prove this in their first appearance, by solidly trouncing the Blitz Team and inspiring them to greater heights.
  • Fragile Speedster: The Lightning Saix's ridiculous speed is its only advantage, but it's overwhelming when put to good use.
  • Lady of War: Both sisters are very calm, precise pilots with a professional demeanor.

Leon Toros

Voice Actor: Ted Cole

Originally a member of the Blitz Team, he leaves when Bit joins in order to Walk the Earth and grow as a zoid warrior. Originally piloting a standard Shield Liger, he returns to the fray late in the series with a red Blade Liger. Rather than rejoining the Blitz Team, he chooses to partner with Naomi Flugel, primarily in order to test his skills against Bit. Together the pair form a dual rivalry with Leena (Gunsniper to Gunsniper) and Bit (Blade Liger to Liger Zero Schnieder). The two do well in battle, making it all the way to the Royal Cup.

Backdraft Group

Dark Judge

Voice Actor: Samuel Vincent

The Backdraft Group's answer to the Zoid Battle Comission's Judge robot, this solid black version officiates the Backdraft Group's unsanctioned battles. Since unsanctioned battles have no rules to speak of, this means he basically exists to signal a Backdraft takeover of a sanctioned battle by dropping directly on top of the ZBC Judge, harass the enemy team during battle, and declare the eventual winner. Transparently biased in favor of the Backdraft Group, the only reason this doesn't cause more problems is that there are no rules to enforce anyway, though on at least one occasion he had to be coerced at gunpoint to admit that the Backdraft Group lost the battle.


Voice Actor: Scott McNeil

The leader of the Backdraft Group's Gold Team and the first member of the group encountered by the Blitz Team. He eventually becomes Altail's primary subordinate.

  • Beleaguered Bureaucrat: His role after becoming Altail's right hand man, though in more of a military "executive officer" style than the standard civilian "desk jockey" style.
  • The Chew Toy: Nothing ever goes right for the poor guy.
  • Pity the Kidnapper: When he captures Leena in his first appearance, he ends up having to put the Blitz Team on hold during the ransom call in order to help his men restrain her. He returns to the call visibly worse for wear, but handles the entire situation with admirable dignity.


Voice Actor: Scott McNeil

Leader of the Backdraft Group's Elephander Team, he is an unusually honorable man for a member of the Backdraft Group. Eventually tiring of the Backdraft's ways, he defects with the Elephander and joins the Zoid Battle Commission to fight the Blitz Team as a legitimate warrior.


Voice Actor: Matt Smith

Stoeller's subordinate, he pilots the Elephander during its first appearance. Loyal to Stoeller specifically, rather than the Backdraft Group as a whole, he joins Stoeller in defecting.

  • Calling Your Attacks: An odd version, in his first appearance, he controls the Elephander entirely through voice commands, as a voluntary handicap.
  • Number Two: To Stoller.


Voice Actor: Don Brown

One of the major players in the Backdraft Group, his obsession with the Ultimate X zoids eventually leads to his disgrace. Even after he actually finds an Ultimate X, he's brushed aside in favor of its assigned pilot, Vega Obscura, and his caretaker Sarah. He organizes a coup attempt utilizing the Fuma team, but fails and falls with the rest of the Backdraft Group.


Voice Actor: Alaina Burnett

The Backdraft Group's air combat specialist, she first appears piloting a Zabat when the Backdraft steal the Liger Zero. Later, she reappears in a Stormsworder, and acts primarily as a rival for Jamie (as the Wild Eagle) in the Raynos. She enjoys zoid battling for its own sake, and joined the Backdraft primarily because she finds no-rules fighting more enjoyable than the Zoid Battle Commission's regulated matches. Eventually she tires of them, and appears to trade in her zoid for a motorcycle. She's last seen toasting the Blitz Team's Royal Cup victory with Stoeller and Sanders.


Voice Actor: Ellen Kennedy

A high ranking Backdraft commander and Vega's manager. She is calculating and ambitious, and comes up with a plan to take over the Zoids Battle Commission, and very nearly succeeds. Though she is cold and manipulative towards everyone else, she shows a maternal side towards Vega.

Vega Obscura

Voice Actor: Alex Doduk

Known as the King of Unsanctioned Battles, Vega is an amazingly talented pilot and fighter in spite of his age. He views Zoid battles simply as a game to amuse him, and brings down the Blitz and Lightning team simultaneously in his first appearence. He's chosen to pilot the Berserk Fury, a Tyrannosaurus Rex-type Zoid and an Ultimate X just like the Liger Zero.


Doctor Laon

Voice Actor: Michael Dobson

An old friend of Dr. Toros and Jamie's dad Oscar, their friendship soured after an incident involving a woman. Now Laon is obsessed with revenge against Toros, trying to prove himself to be the better man by besting Toros' team in zoid combat. He eventually joins the Backdraft Group in order to gain access to more resources to pour into his vendetta.

Mary Champ

Voice Actor: Lisa Ann Beley

Harry's sister, she appears in a single episode and tries to convince Harry to give up zoid battling and return to the family. Harry refuses, citing his "relationship" with Leena, who Mary demands to meet. Harry introduces her to the Blitz Team; she's not impressed with Leena, but becomes enamored with Liger Zero. Challenging the Blitz Team to a zoid battle with Liger Zero as the prize, Mary joins Harry in battle after outfitting the Champ Team with high performance (and expensive) equipment like Iron Kongs and powerful missiles. They lose anyway, and Mary leaves Harry to his zoid battles, with shiny new equipment and the renewed support of his family.

  • The Ojou
  • Rich in Dollars, Poor In Sense: She arbitrarily decides that the richest team are automatically the best zoid warriors, and challenges the Blitz Team to a battle for possession of the Liger Zero because she thinks it's cute.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Despite everything else, she's a genuinely nice person who legitimately cares about her brother and keeps her word, even when things don't go the way she wants.
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