Zoe Martinique
The Zoë Martinique series by Phaedra Weldon stars a young woman named (unsurprisingly) Zoë Martinique. A few years before the start of the story, as a reaction to the trauma of being raped and almost murdered, she developed the ability to leave her body at will and go wandering around as a spirit. She uses this ability to work as a private detective.
On one mission, she feels something strange and wanders off to find a strange man in the middle of murdering someone. The killer sees her and touches her, leaving a strange mark on her and turning a lock of her hair white. After that, she gets involved in a bunch of strange events, and discovers a great deal about the nature of her powers.
The series consists of four books so far: Wraith, Spectre and Phantasm and Revenant
- Atlanta: The series takes place here.
- Deader Than Dead: What happens to ghosts who absorbed by her wraith powers, or those killed by Archer.
- Disappeared Dad: Zoë's dad left when she was a child.
- Grand Theft Me: Happens occasionally over the course of the series, notably including her mother and the family doctor.
- The Masquerade: To a degree, since there are magical groups such as witches (including one of Zoë's pals). She often can't tell people the truth of her abilities, and this at one point leads to the family doctor "diagnosing" her with diabetes.
- Our Demons Are Different
- Our Ghosts Are Different
- Our Souls Are Different: It's part of how Zoë got her powers, since her soul was partially unglued from her body.
- Psychopomp: Zoë acts as this from time to time.
- The Speechless: Archer decides to have some fun, and steal Zoë's ability to speak.
- Trauma-Induced Amnesia: Due to the rape, Zoë forgot that she actually died during it.
- Urban Fantasy