< Zettai Muteki Raijin-Oh
Zettai Muteki Raijin-Oh/YMMV
- Fan Yay: Asuka's got both fangirls and fanboys (who are otherwise straight) in the fandom.
- Ho Yay: Jin, Asuka, and Kouji in any combination. Actually lampshaded in an OVA when a monster makes Kouji fall in love with Jin, and Asuka fall in love with Kouji. It doesn't last very long.
- Also Belzeb and Taida.
- Toy Ship: Jin and Maria
- Viewer Gender Confusion: Plenty of people have mistaken Asuka for a girl due to his effeminate appearance and teeny-tiny shorts. His name doesn't help, as it's the name of a female pilot in another, more well-known series...
- It doesn't help that his voices in both Japanese and English are pretty androgynous.
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