< Zeppelins from Another World

Zeppelins from Another World/Quotes

Hite's Law: "All Change Points, from Xerxes to the last presidential election, create worlds with clean, efficient Zeppelin traffic. Changing history may produce Zeppelins as an inevitable by-product, much as bombarding uranium produces gamma rays. Often, the quickest way to tell if you are in an Alternate History is to look up, rather than at a newspaper or encyclopedia. From this premise, it is not outside the realm of Plausibility that our history between 1900 and 1936 was, in fact, an Alternate History. It would, at least, explain a lot."
Kenneth Hite, "An Alternate-Historical Alphabet," January 14, 2000

Doctor: So this is London.
Mickey: Yep.
Doctor: Your city.
Mickey: That's the one.
Doctor: Exactly as we left it.
Mickey: Bang on.
Doctor: And that includes the zeppelins?

Mickey: What the hell? [...] Okay, so it's London with a big international zeppelin festival.
Doctor Who, "Rise of the Cybermen"
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