Zelda Classic
Zelda Classic is a mostly faithful freeware re-creation of the original Legend of Zelda. It includes the first and second quests, along with a big Level Editor called ZQuest for making original quests. Items from other Zelda games are also implemented, from A Link To The Past, Ocarina Of Time, and Link's Awakening to name a few; House Rules can be changed for each individual quest as needed; and with the latest versions, items, enemies, and scripts can be created by scratch.
Get the game at the Zelda Classic homepage for a stable 2.10 Windows version, or try a nearly stabilizing 2.5 build from Shardstorm for any other OS, including Mac OS X and Linux.
This page is for the computer game, Zelda Classic, NOT the first Zelda game. For that, go here.
- Classic Cheat Code: expanded upon. ZELDA still works, ALPHA launches the "official" third quest, and GANON will launch the "official" fourth quest when 2.5 comes out.
- Damage Discrimination: Usually averted by quest makers, who want the bombs to hurt Link.
- Denial of Diagonal Attack: Averted with an item that can give the ability to slash your sword.
- Development Hell: 2.5 has been in development for awhile now... but they really are still working on it.
- Fan Nickname: Inverted. Originally, Octorok (magic) used to be the Octorock On Crack, Stalfos (L3) the Super Stalfos, and Darknut (Splitting) Super Darknuts. The Death Knight Darknut has kept its name, and for good reason.
- Fan Remake
- Freeware Games
- Game Breaking Bug: Older versions used to have a Continue bug that could mess up where you spawn after you die.
- House Rules: There are many of them.
- Kill It with Fire: Din's Fire is available.
- Level Editor: and Item Editor and Enemy Editor too.
- Matrix Raining Code: The screen saver is this.
- Mook Bouncer: The Windrobes/Wind Wizzrobes. Get caught in a tornado to be sent back to the start.
- New Game+: Sticking with the "official" quest line, there are now third and fourth quests as well as the second.
- Nintendo Hard: Many of the custom quests can fit in this.
- Retraux: Making a quest using the classic tileset.
- Save Game Limits: New wrinkles for this trope. While you can hit F6 any time you want to get the traditional Continue/Save/Retry screen, there is still a limit of how many saved games you can have. As of the latest betas, that limit is 15.
- The Remake: DarkFlameWolf made the excellent Origin quest that, at present, works best on a specific build of Zelda Classic.
- Old-Skool/King Aquamentus, in 2005, made a special version of 1st quest with shaded graphics and altered dungeons. He is now remaking THAT, as a "Zero Mission" Aunouma-style retelling of the first game.
- Unwinnable By Mistake: If quest makers aren't careful, this can happen.