A Japanese Sci-fi film in which an unkillable alien creature (Zeiram) arrives in on Earth (landing in Japan, naturally). It is followed by Iria, a female bounty hunter from another planet who has been pursuing Zeiram. Upon arriving, Iria, Zeiram, and two electrical workers are drawn into an alternate dimension where they only have a certain amount of time to kill Zeiram.
Zeiram was followed by a sequel, Zeiram II, as well as an animated prequel, IRIA: Zeiram the Animation, which depicts Iria's first encounter with Zeiram.
Tropes used in Zeiram include:
- Action Girl: Iria.
- Alien Lunch: Teppei eats a cockroach, squicking Kamiya heavily.
- Bifauxnen: Kei in the animation.
- Bounty Hunter
- BFG: The cannon that's used to defeat Zeiram's supposedly final form
- Cool Mask
- Enemy Summoner: Zeiram; also crosses over with Cloning Blues and Mook Maker when it spawns a whole army of biological weirdos in the animation.
- One of the funniest moments in the movie is when Zeiram summons an enemy... who ends up just being a puddle with a head and half of a torso. Zeiram grunts at it while pointing forwards, and the two argue in an alien language, presumably about how the puddle literally can't do what Zeiram is telling it to, then Zeiram facepalms and stomps on it.
- Everything's Better with Bob
- Healing Factor: Zeiram... kinda; It starts as a Hollywood Cyborg, then turns into the cyborg head and a skeleton, then turns into a flying hat, then turns into an Eldritch Abomination. It technically can heal, but it changes form every time.
- Hero-Killer: In Iria: Zeriam The Animation, Zeiram kills her brother Glen.
- Kick the Dog
- Kill Us Both
- Made of Iron: Zeiram takes a lot of punishment.
- Nice Hat: Played with in the first movie and the Animation; what looks like Zeiram's hat is actually part of its body. Played straight in the second movie, where it actually is a hat.
- Ominous Latin Chanting
- One-Winged Angel
- Perpetual Motion Monster
- Pocket Dimension
- Restraining Bolt
- Salaryman: The workers from the original movie.
- Shower of Angst: Twice in the animation.
- Small Girl, Big Gun
- Street Urchin: Kei.
- Those Two Guys: Electrical workers Tepphei and Kamiya in the movie.
- Used Future: The animation has a nice lived-in feel to it.
- We Can Rebuild Him
- Whip Sword
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Kei from the Animation.
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