Since Raizou Shichikawa is left homeless and destitute after his grandmother dies, he accepts a job as a housekeeper at a Mitou mansion. He finds the family a bit weird, but things get more weird when one of the resident's arm gets severed and reattached without blood loss. That is because the Mitou family is composed of kotodama masters and kami. The kotodama masters wield a word-base power, and the kami-sama are human-like paper doll creations who heal their master's wounds caused by using kotodama.
The partnership between kami and kotodama-sama must be between between partners of the same sex to apperantly discourage them from having sex and falling in love, or something like that. But since this is a Boys Love manga of course there's lots of yaoi sex and even some yuri sex.
This manga contains
- Back From the Dead
- Bastard Boyfriend
- Bishounen
- Bifauxnen: Or more like Lady Looks Like A Dude
- Bi the Way
- Boys Love
- Cast Full of Gay: Both of the yuri and yaoi persuasion.
- Forgotten Childhood Friend
- Interspecies Romance: Between a human and a paper doll.
- Loads and Loads of Characters
- Love At First Sight
- Raised by Grandparents
- Token Minority: despite his name Raizou is not Japanese
- Trauma-Induced Amnesia: Death can do that to a kami
- Victim Falls For Rapist