< Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal/Awesome

  • Episode 9. Due to Yuma thinking Kotori has been kidnapped, he's in total serious mode and duels competently without the Numbers or Astral's help (the only advice he needed was how an attack-lock works).
  • The entire duel between Kaito and Yuma, as Kaito easily summoned 2 numbers in his first turn. It Got Worse for our heroes from there.
  • Episode 18 reveals Chaos Numbers 39 which is essentially the Mid-Season Upgrade for Aspiring Emperor Hope.
    • Also Yuma and Astral speaking together as they take back Hope and defeat Jin.
  • Episode 19 - Yuma's dad is hanging off a cliff and cuts the rope around him so that his wife can go on. He gets saved a week later, but it still shows that he's a Badass.
  • Episode 43. IV has summoned a Numbers with an effect which will win his side the duel on the next turn. Kaito has been blasted into unconsciousness by said Number's attack. Yuma is practically begging Kaito to wake up. Kaito has memories of when Haruto was taken from him by Dr. Faker's faction, and wakes up, realizing his brother still needs him. At this moment, the bond between the two brothers kicks in and gives Kaito a shiny Turns Red Super Mode. He draws his card, and uses a Spell to give every Xyz on the field an extra Material, before sacrificing Yuma's monsters to summon Photon Kaiser, which can be counted as two materials for an Xyz summon. Why does he do this, you may ask? He proceeds to Overlay Kaiser with Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon to summon the strongest Xyz in the game right now, GEPD's Super Mode, Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon. The summoning sequence is so over the top it's Beyond the Impossible, and you can practically see the Oh Crap written on IV and III's faces.
    • What's even better is that Kaito wins the duel that turn. First, since he summoned Neo Galaxy-Eyes using regular Galaxy-Eyes as a material, every face-up card in play has its effect negated. Then he activates Neo's effect, detaching one of its materials to remove the materials from every Xyz in play, then giving Neo GEPD 500 ATK for each and letting it attack once per material. This gives it a total of 6000 ATK and three attacks that turn. Cue victory for Team Kaito/Yuma.
    • It might not be so awesome when you realize the writers made a huge mistake in that last turn involving Photon Pressure World ...
      • Not especially. The effect of Photon Pressure World is optional. Kaito just went for the Burn damage for the sake of being a dick to Yuma.
  • Episode 45. Fuya has a massive 5000 ATK Rank 10 Xyz on his field, Super Dimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer. Gauche has one card in his hand, nothing on his field, and 100 Life Points. Fuya has the aforementioned Galaxy Destroyer and 2900 Life Points. Gauche makes his draw, and gets Heroic Challenger Double Lance, which he summons. He reveals that Double Lance can be treated as two materials for an Xyz Summon, and proceeds to use it to Xyz Summon his ace card, Heroic Champion Excalibur (ATK: 2000). Then he activates Excalibur's effect, detaching an Overlay Unit to double its ATK (ATK: 4000). Astral points out that Excalibur still can't beat Galaxy Destroyer. Then Gauche activates Heroic Chance, doubling Excalibur's ATK again (ATK: 8000). What happens next is fairly obvious. But it's immensely cool. Not to mention that this entire sequence is set to an awesome piece of background music.
  • III summoning Number 6: OOPArts Atlanthal in Episode 48. As usual its sealed form rises out of the Xyz vortex... and then it starts to expand and you realize how big the thing is. It seems to only have 2600 ATK... and then it absorbs Machu Mach via its effect and becomes a 5000 ATK nightmare. But hey, Yuma's alright, Hope can just negate its attacks right? Well, Hope can... but it can't negate the effect which halves Yuma's Life Points. That episode definitely ends on a high point for III. And Atlanthal is just awesome. Its attack name? Divine Punishment!
  • Episode 51: CARD Games ON ROLLER COASTERS!!! Also, the tag-team effort between all of Yuma's friends to get him his heart pieces back.
  • Episode 52: Yuma, Anna, and Gauche's tag-teaming against the Fallguys. Also, Anna leaping from her car to Yuma's.
  • Episode 58. Shark's on the ropes against IV, who has summoned Number 88: Gimmick Puppet - Destiny Leo, and next turn will be able to activate its Instant Win Condition. Shark destroys his own Different Dimension Trench, reviving his Number 32: Shark Drake from the banished zone, but Shark Drake isn't strong enough to destroy Destiny Leo. Then Shark does something which paints Oh Crap on IV's face: Chaos Xyz Change. He summons Chaos Number 32: Shark Drake Vice, in one of the most awesome sequences in the show. And then he proceeds to use Shark Drake Vice's effect, reducing Destiny Leo's ATK points enough for Shark Drake Vice to destroy it and end the duel with one final attack. Awesome.
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