You Make Me Sick

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    Very popular Stock Phrase what comes to character's moral standards. Usually it's said in a situation where someone is about to do / did something so terrible or so disgusting or just purely immoral that the other characters just can't hold their tongues.

    Despite having a clear line when to say it, the themes and seriousness often change depending is the story light or dark. If a hero says it to a villain, it's used to show how completely monstrous the villain is, but a villain can also say it to the hero, particularly if the latter has done something un-heroic. If villain says it to another villain then Even Evil Has Standards and when a Mook says it to the Big Bad, a Heel Face Turn is a high possibility. Can also be played for laughs, but not very often.

    Other variations are "You sicken me." "You are disgusting." and numerous others.

    Don't confuse with You Make Me Sic. Compare with I'm Going to Hell For This and Moral Event Horizon, as well as You Monster!. See also There Should Be a Law.

    Examples of You Make Me Sick include:

    Anime and Manga

    • In the Fullmetal Alchemist manga Pride gets this from Kimblee of all people. In this case he invokes it because Pride does the one thing that the accuser cannot stand: Betraying his own beliefs.

    Kimblee: Eh, well, if you had just stuck to your convictions and fought, I wouldn't have done anything. But in the same breath that you boasted of your "Pride as a Homunculus," you ran screaming to steal the flesh of one of the humans you look on as inferior to escape your predicament. You are...hideous.


    • Commissioner Gordon says this to The Joker in The Dark Knight
      • Not a word to word example, but Joker says following line to Batman.

    Joker: You let five people die. Then you let Dent take your place. Even to a guy like me, that's cold.


    You disgust me. You do not care, then, about the deaths of her husband and child? They can die, as long as you have what you want?

    Live Action TV

    • An interesting case in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Who are you?", when Buffy and Faith switch bodies. Faith in Buffy's body fights Buffy in Faith's body, repeatedly calling her disgusting and murderous; she's really saying it about herself.

    Video Games

    • At one point in Final Fantasy Tactics, Gafgarion essentially says this to Dycedarg when Dycedarg tells him to kill his brother (Ramza) if he refuses to comply to their demands. Gafgarion still decides to go through with the mission anyways, being a Punch Clock Villain and all.

    Web Original

    Casper * Looks wide-eyed and with dropped jaw* Whoa...
    Critic Okay, that was slightly disturbing
    Casper Whoa!
    Critic A little dark but maybe too far...okayokayokay
    Casper: *Beat* You sicken me.

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