You Know What They Say

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    "Haw-haha, here's the problem, too many toasters! You know what they say: All toasters toast toast!" [1]

    A Stock Phrase.

    "You know what they say: [insert witty, important, or nonsensical proverb here]"

    When referring to a specific group, refer to You Know What They Say About X...

    When the character refers to himself saying something, regardless of whether or not he actually does in the series, the trope is It's Like I Always Say....

    Examples of You Know What They Say include:

    Comic Books

    • In the "Torn" arc of Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men run:

    Emma: Well, you know what they say-- (Kitty abruptly pulls her through the floor) Aah!
    Kitty: "Aah"? They say "aah"? You are pathetic.


    Doc: You know what they say: People in glass houses sink sh-sh-ships.

    Jack Payne: You know what they say is the first thing that a man feels when he shoots a civilian?

    Nigel: You know what they say. Tiny man. Huge ego.

    • In Cannibal! The Musical, there was a scene where the town's drunken sheriff informs Packer that he's going to be hung at sunrise, then adds "You know what they say about sunrise?", awkwardly pauses for a moment, and just wanders off. According to the commentary, the actor (who actually was drunk) had just forgotten his line and walked off camera - Trey Parker opted to leave it in because he decided that it was funnier than the actual punchline.
    • In The Room :

    Johnny: You know what they say: love is blind.

      • Anyway, how is your sex life ?


    • Lady Gaga's video for "Telephone": "You know what they say: Once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger."
    • Mika's "Lollipop"

    "I was walkin' with my mama one day, when she warned me what people say: Live your life until love is found, or love's gonna get you down."

    • Rebecca Lynn Howard's "Forgive": "You know what they say / Forgive and forget, re-live and regret."


    • Deconstructed a couple of times in Discworld novels, with both Sam Vimes in Feet of Clay and William de Worde in The Truth wondering who "they" actually are, and why anyone should listen to them.

    Live Action TV

    Michael Scott: You know what they say. Fool me once? Strike one. Fool me twice? Strike three.

    Courtney: You know what they say: when you assume... you're just a bitch.

    Leroy Jethro Gibbs: Well you know what they say, Jen. Can't make an omelette unless you break a few eggs.
    --"Under Covers"

    Officer Ziva David: Well, you know what they say. You cannot make an omelette without breaking a few legs.

    Jonathan Kent: You know what they say: Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.

    Chandler: You know what they say, ask your slippers a're going crazy.

    Willow Rosenberg: Well, you know what they say: The bigger they are...
    Anya: The faster they stomp you into nothing.

    Lorelai: You know what they say.
    Luke: No, what do they say?
    Lorelai: Never ever date a guy who owns a single means he's not open to a commitment.

    • The Golden Girls: "You know what they say: you can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk really fast or he'll die."
    • That '70s Show episode "Bye Bye Basement"

    Leo: You know what they say, Rome was built in a day.

    Det. James 'Jimmy' McNulty: Well, you know what they say: "Stupid criminals make stupid cops."

    Dr. Evan Zao: You know what they say: It's a dirty job but...
    Det. Lindsay Monroe: The rookie's gotta do it.

      • "The Box"

    Reggie Dunham: You know what they say, right? Mind's a terrible thing to waste.

      • "The Party's Over"

    Detective Mac Taylor: You know what they say: keep your friends close and your enemies closer - and if that doesn't work, kill 'em.

    Horatio Caine: You know what they say. You lie down with the Devil, you wake up in Hell.

      • On another episode:

    Caine: You know what they say, Frank (puts on sunglasses)...speed kills.

    Robbie Stewart: You know what they say, every now and then even a blind pig snorts up a truffle.

    Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: You know what they say: Revenge is like serving cold cuts.

    Darla: Well, you know what they say... life's full of surprises.

    • Burn Notice: "Yeah well, you know what they say about holding a snake by the tail, Mike."
    • Prison Break: "You know what they say about weather in the midwest: if you don't like it, wait an hour."

    Video Games

    • Hotel Mario does this in the second hotel when Mario stumbles upon a room full of toasters that have been causing blackouts in the entire hotel, to which he comments, "You know what they say... All toasters toast toast!" before unplugging them.
    • Shadow the Hedgehog has an Eggman boss fight where he is prone to summoning additional enemies. "You know what they say! The more, the merrier!" Over and over again.


    Western Animation

    • Parodied in an episode of Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy: Edd and Eddy are discussing some problem, and Ed, who was not involved in the conversation, chimes in with "You know what they say," and then immediately goes back to poking around in his locker, ignoring the other two. An awkward pause ensues for a few seconds while they wait for him to finish.
    • The Simpsons

    Homer: You know what they say — sometimes you have to break the rules to free your heart.

    Roger Doofensmirtz: You know what they say, "You can't be T'd off once you've T'd off'." Heheh...that was very funny...
    Heinz Doofensmirtz: What?? Who says that?
    Roger Doofensmirtz: You know, They. Those guys over there. *points to a pair of Creepy Twins saying "You can't be T'd off once you've T'd off".*

      • Bonus? Their names are actually They.
    1. Toasters toast bread.
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