< You Have to Burn The Rope

You Have to Burn The Rope/YMMV

  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Is the main character a hero, who defeats the monster, or is he pure evil, who goes into the home of a perfectly harmless nonhuman who can't even escape his own home, and slaughters it without remorse?
  • Anticlimax Boss: And how!
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The well-deserved credits music. You'll be humming it all day long afterward.
  • Designated Villain: The colossus seems like a pretty friendly, happy guy, if only you weren't trying to drop a chandelier on his head.
  • It's Short, So It Sucks: Averted. Once you figure out all of the tricks, it's a little on the short side even for a Flash game, but that hasn't stopped many people from playing it multiple times, sometimes in a row. Even if only for the Crowning Music of Awesome.
  • Nightmare Fuel: YMMV, but the boss is dang creepy...
  • Running Gag: pretending that you are stuck on another level aside from the first. And every level is unbelievably over the top.
  • Surprise Difficulty: Inverted in that players not knowing anything about You Have to Burn The Rope would most likely assume that it's a platformer of standard difficulty. Not quite...
  • The Untwist: From the very moment you start playing.
  • What an Idiot!: When a chandelier starts falling above you, DO NOT deliberately maneuver under it. Jeez. Stupid Boss.
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