You Are Here
"You Are Here" was a programming block belonging to Cartoon Network. It aired on Friday Nights during the primetime hours and leads up to Cartoon Network's other non-canceled programming block, Adult Swim. The name of the programming block may refer to the fact that most of the target audience (pre-teen kids) spends Friday nights at home, so they're pretty much stuck watching it anyway and the Friday Night Death Slot doesn't apply. Or, if you're less charitably inclined, a This Loser Is You to the Periphery Demographic... In some ways it could be thought of as a successor block to Toonami, except being one night earlier.
The biggest draws on "You Are Here" were Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, Batman the Brave And The Bold, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Named after the "You Are Here" markers on wall-mounted maps showing the location of the wall-mounted map.