< Yellow Submarine

Yellow Submarine/Quotes

Ringo: I've got a hole in me pocket.

Fred: Frankenstein!
Ringo: Oh yeah, I used to go out with his sister.
Fred: His sister?
Ringo: Yeah, Phyllis. Hey, what would happen if I pulled this leever?
Fred: You mustn't do that!
Ringo: Can't help it, I'm a born Leever-pooler.

Chief Blue Meanie: The Glove is losing its touch!

Fred: By Neptune's knickerbockers! She's puttered out.
John: Well, maybe we should call a road service.
Paul: Can't, no road.
Ringo: And we're not sub... scribers.
George, Paul, and John: Sub-scribers, ooh.

George: Maybe time's goin' on strike.
Paul: What for?
George: Shorter hours.
Ringo: I don't blame it. It must be very tiring being time, mustn't it?
All: Why?
Ringo: Well, it's a 24-hour day, isn't it?

John: There's a school of whales!
George: They look a bit old for school.
Paul: University, then.
Ringo: University of W(h)ales?
John: Well, they look like drop-outs to me.

(After retrieving Ringo from the "Injun" attack in the Sea of Monster)
John: How was it Ringo?
Ringo: (H)arrowing.

(Having arrived in Pepperland)
Ringo: Pepperland! A bit salty around the edges.

John: What day is it?
Ringo: Sitar-day.
John: Then George will be here.

Jeremy: Thesis, antithesis, synthesis, causes of causal causation!
John: Hey, Jeremy. What do you know about holes?
Jeremy: There are simply no holes in my education!
Paul: You mean, you haven't composed a (w)hole book?
George: Oh, great! What should we do?
Jeremy: Be empirical. Look!

Fred: Well, lads, what do ya think?
John: Well, I think that...
Fred: Remember, there will be rough seas ahead. What do ya think?
Paul: Well, then, umm...
Fred: Pounding, overwhelming waves! What do ya think of that, eh?
George: Well, I think that...
Ringo: As a matter of fact, I--
All Beatles: I think...
Fred: Well?
All Beatles: I've forgotten!
Fred: Right, then, let's get this vessel all shipshape.
George: I kinda like the way it is: Submarine-shaped.

George: (pointing) Hey, that's a funny place to leave a goldfish bowl. (The Fab Four wander off)
(Cut to the Fab Four near the giant ball)
John: In Pepperland, all things are possible.
Paul: It's not a goldfish bowl.
George: Just a big glass bowl, and--
Paul: Yeah, it's blue glass.
Ringo: Hey, it must be from Kentucky.
(Paul knocks on the glass, then the band appear)
John: Hey, there's something inside.
Ringo: Four fellas.
George: What are they doing there?
Paul: They're not having a ball. That's for sure.
Ringo: It can't be!
Paul: It's us.
John: But we're here.
Paul: It's Sgt. Pepper's--
Ringo: --Lonely--
George: --Hearts Club--
John: --Band.
George: The resemblance is truly striking.
John: If I could come in here, I think the theory put forward by Einstein--
Paul: Any old Ein Any old Ein/Any any any old Einstein
John: --could well be applied here. The people in the ball are obviously extensions of our own personality, suspended as it were in time, frozen in space according to the now-famous theory of relativity--
George: John!
John: which briefly explained, is simply a matter of taking two eggs--
George: John!
John: beating lightly, adding a little salt and pepper according to the taste--
George: JOHN!
John: Yes, George?
George: How do we get them out?
John: Break the glass.
(The remaining three shrug)
Paul: We can't.
George: It's Beatle-proof.
John: Nothing is Beatle-proof.
Paul: Hey, have you got your drumsticks with you? A drum break might shatter it!
Ringo: No, I haven't.
George: Have a look in your pocket.
Ringo: Hey, I've got a hole in me pocket! Hey, I wonder if-- (He puts the hole on the ball, letting out smoke) Yeah, it still works.
George: Ringo, we take back all we said.
John: You're a genius.
Paul: Sheer genius.
Ringo: I know, I know, I know. Like color telly.
John: Like crystal.
Paul: Hey, they're decanting.

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