< Xenosaga

Xenosaga/Tear Jerker

  • The Xenosaga series has a few of these moments; this troper broke down in tears during Allen's Crowning Moment of Awesome in Episode 3.
    • This troper was bawling her eyes out with the ending in Xenosaga: Episode 2 in which Jr. defeats Albedo (the Big Bad of the game, who is also Jr.'s twin brother) only to find out that Albedo's true motive was to die (he's technically immortal as he can regenerate any part of his body). Albedo's speech and Crispin Freeman's (the voice actor of Albedo) superb delivery of the lines are just the tips of the iceberg, but the real kicker is when Albedo gets carried off by angels while Jr.'s screaming, "No Albedo! Don't go!" Here's the scene. Adding to the fact that the first game just showed Albedo as an insane psychopath makes this all the more depressing.
    • Earlier, you had Albedo's reaction to the revelation that his friends could not regenerate like he could, and that he would live forever while watching everyone he knows and loves die.
    • This troper soaked the controller with many a tear just before the climax of the URTV arc in Episode III. Gaignun has spent at least a year being tormented, controlled and sublimated by their bodysurfing mad scientist father, and struggles to the surface long enough to beg Jr. to put him out of his misery. The recently-resurrected Albedo agrees with this plan, and glibly interjects, "It'll be just like when you killed me, remember?". This, and the previous Episode II's ending serve to illustrate death as the ultimate expression of brotherly love. And Jr. loves his family.
    • For this editor, it was the ending of Episode I, where KOS-MOS stays behind to ensure that Proto-Merkabah dislocates and the rest of the party to get back to the Elsa. Shion, naturally, doesn't want to leave without her. KOS-MOS is then seen running alongside the ship and makes a jump, where Shion grabs her by the hand. Since KOS-MOS is extremely heavy, Shion's grip begins to loosen....and just in time, Ziggy grabs both of them and lifts them onto the ship. And then the epic scene where chaos and KOS-MOS combine their powers to help KOS-MOS shield the Elsa from being burned up in Second Militia's atmosphere. And all the while, you hear Joanne Hogg's "Pain" being played throughout. This editor was bawling.
      • And in Episode III, "I am no longer Mary. I am...KOS-MOS!!!" Doubles as a Crowning Moment of Awesome when KOS-MOS shatters Shion's pendant, in an act of defiance towards Wilhelm.
    • The whole Febronia/Virgil story in Episode III was one big tear jerker. During the Miltian conflict flashback, Febronia takes in an injured Virgil, even though Virgil is an enemy soldier. She nurses him back to health and even donates some of her organs to him. Later on, Febronia is killed and eaten by berserk Realians, all in front of a helpless Virgil. Afterwards, the present-day Virgil (an undead testament and villain) shows up in the flashback (it's complicated), and the party fights him. After the battle, Febronia's spirit shows up. Febronia tells Virgil that she still loves him, which convinces Virgil to come to terms with himself and Febronia's death, and they both Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence in a beautiful scene.
    • How could anyone not mention Jin's Heroic Sacrifice at the end of Episode III? This troper was fine during all the above moments, but when this one hit, it hit me hard. I mean Not only did Jin give a farewell speech to Shion and Co. (Shion especially) that was beyond heartwarming, he saved KOS-MOS (who remained with chaos and a couple cast members) by trying to destroy the same Gnosis that ripped off her arm by destorying his mecha (it was implied to be damaged anyway), and THEN proceeded to cut Gnosis in half with his katana, only to be stabbed through the leg and arm from an airborne Gnosis's sword. The game proceeds to make you think he's gonna make it because he pulls it out and starts swordfighting with said Gnosis. However, they both stab each other, fatally. He dies only a couple minutes later.
      • And.. and while this is happening chaos is understanding what both Jin and KOS-MOS, and to that extant Shion and the others are all sacrificing so that he, Nephilim, and Mary Magdalene can guide the lost souls. chaos is so concerned for Jin, but Jin says something along the lines of "It's okay, concentrate, chaos!" and chaos says "Right. Thank you, Jin!" he sounds truly thankful for Jin's assistance, knowing Jin's virtually committing suicide. Once chaos is all done, he looks around and says "Come on, Jin!" sees Jin's dead body huddled over his sword, and... chaos' face looks thoroughly crestfallen. And then he says "Thank you." Ow, my heart...
  • For this Troper, MOMO's quiet "I can still fight..." whenever she is revived in Episode I was a definite tear jerker, every time. Something about hearing a small child on the verge of death trying to keep going just killed me.
  • The end of Episode III. After the climax, watching the credits roll with such gorgeous music while KOS-MOS closes her eyes to finally have some rest until she awakens again. And then it hits you, that you will never be able to see the rest of the story and this is most likely the end of the series altogether and the last Xenosaga main game that will ever be made. But, maybe tomorrow...
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