< X-Wing Rogue Squadron

X-Wing Rogue Squadron/Awesome

  • Definitely the moment when Donos enacts his revenge on Apwar Trigit.

Donos: "One for Falynn. Two for Talon."

  • Voort "Piggy" SaBinring vs. the entire crew of an Imperial corvette. The corvette surrenders.
    • Credit must also be given to his weapon during this battle: he used a BFG shortened version of an X-Wing's blaster cannon.
    • And disintegrated the captain with it.
    • And then called Wedge and announced himself as the corvette's new captain.
  • When Kell returns to battle in Wraith Squadron. Yes, he ran away, but he conquered his fear and came back.
  • Wedge intentionally allowing himself to be shot at during a battle, even ordering his squadron to let the attacker continue. Note, this is only because the attacker was using powered down lasers and was actually transmitting crucial information to him, but still.
  • Kell's attempt to save Jesmin when her damaged fighter starts to crash: he uses his own fighter to try and nudge her out of a fatal dive, conducting a series of mid-air collisions. That was insane. Other pilots would have destroyed both fighters attempting it. True, it didn't work, but that was mainly because the g-forces had already rendered Jesmin unconscious and unable to do anything to save herself.
  • Castin Donn, in his Dying Moment of Awesome, destroys his datapad, ensuring that highly classified information is not found by Zinj.
  • Tycho shooting down the shuttle piloted by Ysanne Isard's insane clone. With an assist from Corran thanks to the targeting data he was relaying.
  • The final battle of the Bacta War: a small fleet of underarmed freighters, a squadron of X-Wings, a comparatively weak Star Destroyer, and an outdated frigate engage a Super-Star Destroyer and win!
  • In a twisted way, one of the pilots who washed out of Wraith Squadron. Accused of theft, he denied the charges, then gets chased down by Wes Janson because he stole the picture of Wedge's dead parents that Wedge kept on his desk.
  • The four versus thirty fight in Starfighters Of Adumar. The four are Wedge, Tycho, Wes and Hobbie, so of course they win.
    • Even better, when another lot of Adumari fighters challenge Red Flight immediately afterwards, a third Adumari squadron challenges their challengers to allow Red Flight time to escape. Because if four beat thirty, those four have damn well earned an escape.
  • Piggy's response to being shot by Admiral Ackbar's attempted assassin: he picks up a desk and slams it into the assassin and a wall so hard that the other side of the wall bows out and knocks over someone who happened to be standing there. And he did this right after being shot in the stomach. The assassin, for the record, was smushed.
  • Piggy's alibi for the assault charge that landed him in Wraith Squadron. The "victim's" charge claimed the "attack" had occurred thirty minutes before the charge was filed. Piggy pointed out that if he had actually hit the man, thirty minutes later the man would still be unconscious. (He really blocked a punch thrown at him by the "victim.")
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