< X-Play


"X-Play! They review the games the best way! I watch them on the tv every daaaaayyy...!"

  • 8.8: In particular, the 2/5 they gave the otherwise universally well-received Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. Adam and Morgan admit they have it in for Final Fantasy in general. And then, in a Crowning Moment of Funny, they "re-reviewed" it.
    • The show apparently caught backlash for its Killzone 2 review; when their score was 5. Out of 5.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: When the show used to have sketches, the breakout characters were Canadian Guy, Screaming Intern, Ratty, Johnny X-Treme, Roger The Stan Lee Experience, and Shirtless Intern.
  • Fan Hater: Do you like anything Japanese? Do you like Final Fantasy (particularly past the sixth installment) in particular? How about any of the Dynasty Warriors games? Then it's highly likely that Adam and Morgan will think you are the scum of the earth and have not been enlightened to the games they find better. Shown especially when they reviewed the first DBZ Budokai game. They basically say that they don't care what the DBZ fans think.
    • Likewise, they do occasionally play an Anime-based game that's actually decent. Sometimes they spend the entire review mocking the game but still give it 3 or 4 stars. In one episode they said, "We don't actually hate anime games. We just hate games that suck, and it just so happens that most anime games do suck."
  • He Panned It, Now He Sucks: Just imagine the state of Adam Sessler's inbox after he did the segment entitled: "Your Childhood Sucks: Final Fantasy VII." There's probably a reason they haven't done another segment like that since...
    • Though admittedly, the Did Not Do the Research in the video didn't help matters.
  • Jump the Shark: Several points, but the two most likely are when the sets switched after moving from San Francisco to LA, or when the set switched from the green set to the black set with random glass spheres (and a costume change).
  • Seasonal Rot: Around 2006, give-or-take, many have complained that the show dropped in quality when they became over-reliant on sketches, became more-and-more of fan haters, and started having a bias against Sony games while praising anything made by Microsoft. This lead to some to believe that the writers were on Microsoft's pay-roll.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: The fandom reaction to the 2008 retool.
    • Somewhat justified. Making a video game review show into something else entirely would tend to ruffle up some feathers here and there.
  • It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY": You'd expect after all the Naruto games they reviewed, they would be able to pronounce the titular character's name correctly. They also manage to mispronounce the name of other characters as well (They pronounce Sasuke by Exactly What It Says on the Tin, when the "U" is supposed to be silent).
  1. She claims that Dist is the effeminate antagonist bent on world domination - at the point of the game she was at, Mohs was being set up as the Big Bad. And once the Big Bad is revealed, it's not even Dist...and their goals don't even include World domination
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