Wrath of the Gods

A surprisingly good 1994 Edutainment Adventure Game by Luminaria, with controls similar to the Space Quest series but with live-action graphics. The player character, generally referred to only as (the) "Hero," was a foundling, left to the mercy of the elements as a baby before being rescued and raised by the centaur Chiron. Upon reaching a decent age, the Hero was sent out to see the world, given only some gems and a strange ring that was left with him as a baby. He then wanders through the entirety of the Ancient Greek world, emulating (or preempting) the adventures of the famous Greek heroes.

Tropes used in Wrath of the Gods include:
  • Ambiguously Gay: Hermes is somewhat fabulous.
  • Anachronism Stew: If the player tries to buy an iron from the local market, the dealer politely informs you that "electricity won't be invented for another few thousand years."
    • Case two: Zip Mode terminals have slot machines in them.
  • Arc Words: The I-over-O symbol (actually the Greek letter Phi) which appears all over the place
  • Continuity Snarl: In the original myths, Theseus defeated the bandit Sciron early in his adventuring career. In the game, however, Sciron's still out there terrorizing the populace - but Theseus is already stuck in Hades for trying to carry off Persephone.
  • Death Is Cheap: Being killed generally just leads to the Hero popping up in the underworld and having to solve a brief puzzle or two (if that) before just walking out a cave into the real world. In fact, some of the puzzles require that the Hero die at least once (the Medusa quest, for example)
  • Game Breaking Bug: If your computer's clock speed is too high, the shoot-the-boar and shoot-the-dragon sequences can be painful adventures in Trial and Error Gameplay.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: Compliments of a talking ship's keel.

"Stop me if you've heard this one: A guy walks into a tailor's shop holding a pair of pants. The tailor says, 'Euripides?' The guy says 'Yeah, Eumenedes?' Rimshot

  • Kleptomaniac Hero: Rocks, branches, golden apples, severed monsters' heads - nothing's safe from our Hero's clutches.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Zeus is the Hero's dad. And his mother's the Princess of Mycenae
    • Not much of a spoiler - heck, Zeus is everyone's dad.
  • Zip Mode: Waystations could be found throughout the countryside that would fly the main character via dragon to another location. This was a seemingly impractical method, as dragon flights cost money which was hard to come by in the game. The trick is to use the slot machines at these waystations, which if used properly always turn a profit. There were also shortcuts through the underworld, which didn't even require character death.
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