World of Warcraft (comics)
The World of Warcraft Comic is a comic series set in Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft universe and released monthly in a standard western comic format. The World of Warcraft comic is set to run for twenty-five issues (October, 2007-January, 2010) and chronicles the adventures of Lo'gosh the amnesiac gladiator as he rises up and discovers his true identity. The comic is published by Wildstorm and written by Walter Simonson with Louise Simonson.
As of December 2009, the old crew of the comic was completely replaced and the comic split into 2 different series: World Of Warcraft: Alliance and World Of Warcraft: Horde.
It is a major part of the Warcraft Expanded Universe. In fact, many plot points are brought into the game by way of patches.
- All There in the Manual: A lot of King Varian's character development is in the comic book instead of the game, which leads to complaints from the fans who don't buy it.
- The reverse is also true from those who don't play WOW but read the comic.
- Amnesiac Dissonance: Rough and tumble Lo'gosh is actually The noble King Varian of Stormwind.
- Badass: All three of our protagonists.
- Badass Normal: Both King Varian of Stormwind and Lo'gosh are able to kick ass in a world of ridiculously powerful wizards and demons. Which is understandable since they are the same man.
- Bold Inflation: Lots and lots.
- Bus Crash: Aegwynn, from the viewpoint of World of Warcraft fans who have wondered about her whereabouts but didn't read the comic.
- Cool Sword: The weapons of Lo'Gosh and Varian.
- Determinator: King Varian.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Valeera Sanguinar's struggle with Fel magic is meant to be a nod to heroin addiction.
- Evil Chancellor: Lady Prestor is actually Onyxia the Black Dragon.
- Fantastic Racism: King Varian of Stormwind HATES orcs. To a lesser extent, everyone hates Blood Elves too.
- Gladiator Games
- Gladiator Revolt: Lo'gosh wants to do this but the problem is the "Evil Overlord" is Thrall who is a good guy.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Varian' scars.
- Implacable Man: King Varian. Lo'gosh.
- Large Ham: Dear God, everyone. Most people in this comic speak like they're in Sparta.
- Knife Nut: Valeera.
- Ms. Fanservice: Valeera Sanguinar, Jaina Proudmoore, Garona.
- Meaningful Name: Valeera Sanguinar is a Blood Elf.
- Narm: EVERYTHING, much to the comic's detriment. Of particular note is this little exchange in issue #14:
Varian Wrynn: If you want my kingdom, you'll have to take it the old-fashioned way! With blood and iron!
Onyxia: Black dragons are made of blood and iron! And we kill with lava and magic! *shoots lava burst*
Varian Wrynn: SO DO HUMANS!
- The worst part is, Onyxia's line would have been pretty good if she'd just stopped at one sentence.
- The Obi-Wan: Broll Bearmantle is wise, noble, and the guy who generally coaxes both Lo'gosh and Valeera to greatness.
- Power Trio: Varian, Broll and Valeera. Also Thrall, Rehgar and Garrosh.
- Put on a Bus: Broll, headed to Teldrassil off-screen.
- Red Right Hand: The non-evil Broll Bearmantle sports a pair of antlers that everyone just shrugs off. Then again, it IS Azeroth. They've probably seen weirder sights.
- With druids being rather rare, they've probably shrugged it off as a sign of his druidic powers. Which is the case, although only a few druids are known to have done so, such as Furion Stormrage.
- Rightful King Returns: One of the storylines.
- Retool: The comic is being split into 2 different series, each of which will have a completely new creative team. Hopefully they'll do a better job.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: King Varian, the Warrior King.
- Save The Prince
- Scaled Up: Lady Prestor.
- Stripperiffic: ...Just about every female character, especially Valeera.