< World Heroes

World Heroes/YMMV

  • Awesome Music: Perfect has surprisingly good tracks.
    • World Heroes 2 and Jet also have their fair share of awesome tracks
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Mudman, one of the few characters not based on one specific figure. As a result, he made it into some of SNK's crossover games.
  • Mondegreen - Hanzo and Fumma's spinning blade move sounds a lot like: "PEOPLE WHO DISCOVER!"
  • Narm Charm - A LOT. Some of the characters' lines can fall into this as well, such as Muscle Power's "NUMBAH WOOOOHN!".
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential - Admit it. You played Deathmatch Mode in the first game just to fling both fighters onto spikes, shock them with electrified ropes and set them on fire just to see their funny reactions, don't you?
    • Double is you enjoyed having the charas you beat in the only "normal match"... being subjected to Traumatic Haircuts as well ater losing.
  • Vindicated by Cable: Well, sort of. Perfect was mostly dismissed by the competitive crowd as another Street Fighter clone up until two big-name players found footage of it on YouTube, got interested by the surprisingly modern mechanics it had and recorded theirs findings with the online multiplayer service Kaillera. It currently is surprisingly popular on the website Shoryuken.
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