< World Embryo
World Embryo/YMMV
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Riku has a lot of these:
- Riku vs. Kanshuu in the building under construction, when he realises the Kanshuu can't attack Nene. Followed immediately afterwards by the Trope's deconstruction, when Riku (almost) dies. Then reinstated and doubled when Nene revives him as Kanshuu-Riku and he goes into Super-Powered Evil Side mode.
- The fight at Riku's school where he consciously blows up part of the building as a diversion.
- Tougo has one when he uses the Jinki gun to snipe down and kill Karasawa.
- Nene turning Ende's missiles into inoffensive... pillows.
- Evil Is Sexy: Just look at evil(?) Neene. Granted, she might have time to grow, but still.
- Fridge Brilliance: Takao seems to show mercy to mooks while indifferently cutting down civilians to pieces. It turns out that the ones he killed are probably already dead and have been turned into Uro.
- Magnificent Bastard:
Takao is this mixed with Complete Monster.The Infection Source aka Shirou Kurasawa - Moral Event Horizon: Averted when Riku sees the people Takao has killed inside the NEFT building, after initially thinking Takao could help him.
- Played straight with Takao, who had his 2 years before the story starts.
- Subverted when it is revealed that most of his targets are Kanshuu or potential Kanshuu (Cavity).
- Played straight with Takao, who had his 2 years before the story starts.
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