Workout Fanservice

Dr.Crusher: You're certainly limber this morning.

Plinkett: Oh, yeah, she is limber. (That's right, honey pie, work that business).

Where a athletic character, often a man, is shown working out or practicing a new hobby, this opportunity is excellent for Fanservice and eating the Eating the Eye Candy as well.

This is a common method to introduce very stealth fanservice, especially in action movies or Shonen works, plus it's easier for the guy to convince his significant other to join. This does not always require shirtlessness.

Not counting the shirtlessness, this is equal-opportunity fanservice - males and females are both the subjects of this trope.

When working out, this can be also justified as training for a fight. Needing to for their bodies to be in tip top shapes and to learn the new weapon, honing superhuman abilities (especially newer emerging ones), so to handle the fight's intensity.

All of this boils down to one thing only, the idea of a hot, sweaty, muscly guy or girl sculpting their abs in front of us.

Though having them being nude is optional.

Compare Macho Camp and Training Montage.

Examples of Workout Fanservice include:


  • The early 2010 has Lucozade's YouTube series called "Sweat Session," which is aimed at the British audience. It shows famous sportspeople at a gym and working out. The vids are not examples of this trope, but the street poster advertisements that are promoting the videos and featuring Jessica Ennis are.

Anime and Manga

Comic Books

Fan Works

  • Fuchsia Gym's Pokémon Reset Bloodlines has Iris deciding that their group needs to workout to become stronger and sharper. This annoys Misty, but there's a benefit to the latter by seeing Ash working out.


Live-Action TV

  • In the CSI: NY's "My Name Is Mac Taylor" episode, in a gym we find Mac doing his lap swim workout.
  • In Supernatural, the episode "The Third Man," Sam begins the day with some push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups, merely to keep fit for all the demon, monster, and spirit slaying. The focus is on his back, upper chest, and biceps during this, though we get some shots of his abs above the low-cut jeans in post workout.
  • In Being Human's Hal likes to do his exercise routine which involves press-ups on time...And shirtlessly.
  • Highlander has Duncan doing a sweaty, extremely sexy kata.
  • Both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel has Angel doing a lot of shirtless exercising Tai Chi in an episode called "Revelations," this trope is acknowledged by Word of God.
  • The X-Files's early seasons has Agent Fox Mulder jogging, running in the stadium, or swimming. The Estrogen Brigade love his red speedo.


  • Olivia Newton-John's "Physical" music video begins with and ends with multiple handsome, muscular men working out, being loaded with Fanservice shots. Immediately subverted when the initial shots of fit guys are replaced with several sweaty, fat guys -- who it is implied work their way to fitness by the end. One should also note that Newton-John in her leotard and headband is not exactly hard on the eyes herself.
  • Tanya Tucker's "Hangin' In" takes place in a beach, where multiple muscular men pushing iron and wearing square cut swimming trunks.
  • Eric Prydz's music video remix of "Call on Me" depicts a man who finds himself in an all-female exercise class, who is enjoying the suggestive thrusting and griding of the routine exercise.


  • The Future Spa game has a bevy of flawlessly sculpted men and women working out and honing their perfect bodies.

Tabletop Games

  • GURPS IOU has an In-Universe example. The classes for the Department of Zen Aerobics mainly consists of Lotus Position and watching aerobics on television. Despite the lack of practical uses for these classes, they're popular.

Video Games

  • Mass Effect 3's James Vega does a load of pull-ups. It's even part of a Ho Yay joke with Steve Cortez, who is openly gay, and who Vega slyly comments "You know you love the show."
    • There's Jacob Taylor, who does crunches. Kasumi loves pointing out "Mmmm, crrrunches. Lots of crrunches."
  • In StarTropics, the SheCola female guards are seen using weights when they exercise, doing pushups, and complaining about how intensive their training routines are.
  • In Stardew Valley, you can walk in on Alex. He apologizes for being shirtless, though no one's complaining.

Web Comics

Other Media

  • Despite that Kathy Smith really is a fitness trainer, her workout videos from late '80s and early '90s became this trope, due to her figure and wearing a leotard.
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