< Word Girl

Word Girl/YMMV

  • Angst? What Angst?: You'd think Word Girl would express more sadness over a good friend of hers who wrote the book that taught her what she knows about being a superhero (Dr. Boxleitner) turning into her arch enemy than she does.
  • Cargo Ship:
    • Lady Redundant Woman and her prized copy machine.
      • She treats it more like her child because she calls it her baby in a few episodes. So she isn't really romantically in love with it.
  • Ear Worm
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: If you search the internet, this troper is sure you'll find that Dr. Two Brains is very popular among the fans.
  • Evil Is Sexy:
    • And the fans know who that guy is.
    • Oddly enough, it seems that Dr. Two Brains and Tobey are the only ones who acquire any recognition...
    • Miss Power. Even to the point where a commentator on the Word Girl Wiki asked for someone to draw her in a bikini.
    • Mr.Big is considered this to most fans as well.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple:
    • Becky/Tobey is easily more popular than Becky/Scoops. Neither one is official, though.
    • Dr. Two Brains/WordGirl is growing steadily more popular among the older fans.
      • This one would probably need an age-up from Word Girl in order to avoid Squick.
  • Ho Yay:
    • The Whammer is completely obsessed with Chuck, always pounce-hugging him, invading his space, and demanding to be his "partner".
    • A recent surprising example is Two Brains' apparent crush on The Butcher in "The Fill-In". Throughout the whole episode, Two Brains kept trying to get Butcher to be his partner rather than henchman-for-a-day, disregarding the other henchman and doing things like waiting on Butcher, complimenting him constantly, building a suit so they can be a compatible fight team and eventually crying out in desperation, "I neeeed you!" The nameless henchman, jealous, even says to The Butcher at one point, "Nooo, why would he make fun of you? He loves you..."
    • Again with Two Brains, "When Chuck's Mom is Away..." had him start doing pretty much the same thing as with The Butcher, only this time suggestively trying to "team up" with "Chuckie-Baby". And as soon as he hears Chuck's mom isn't in town? He rushes right over to Chuck's house and gets all close, chummy and invasive.
      • This is possibly subverted by the fact that in the same episode Dr. Two Brains asks Lady Redundant Woman "and her twelve duplicates" out to dinner, but this all depends on the individual viewers' Shipping Goggles.
    • TJ has a clingy, suck-uppy yesman, Johnson, who seems overly devoted to making TJ happy. He is also very touchy, seemingly having no concept of personal space.
    • Reginald of all people rather enjoyed being dragged around by The Butcher in "Have Snob, Will Travel" (Seriously, why does like, every guy seem to be fixed on Butcher?). Despite his usual whining, Reginald continuously calls The Butcher "powerful" and praises him beneath the insults. Nor does he seem too concerned with being rescued any time soon. And when he finally IS rescued, as soon as Word Girl leaves he says to The Butcher, "Pick me up again".
      • Reginald also mentioned that he wouldn't mind being tied up by Brent in "Chuck With A Sidekick Of Brent".
  • Jerkass Woobie: Victoria Best, who is mainly motivated by the desire to make her parents proud.
    • It's hard not to feel bad for Tobey. He has poor social skills, is terrified of his mother, and is primarily motivated by his hopeless crush on Wordgirl. Plus he seems to be one of the few characters to realize he's Surrounded by Idiots which is why his only friends are robots.
  • Launcher of a Thousand Ships:
    • WordGirl is incessantly paired up with almost all the male characters and quite a few female ones. She is basically the center point for all shippings in the show.
    • Don't forget about the monkey!
    • Browsing through deviantART, Dr. Two Brains, possibly the fan-favorite villain, can be seen shipped (both jokingly and seriously) with WordGirl/Becky, Leslie, Lady Redundant Woman, Steve McClean, Glen Furlblam, and The Butcher. Many of these ships even include Dr. Two Brains' previous identity, Professor Steven Boxleitner.
  • Les Yay: In "Who Wants Candy?", Eileen wants Violet to be her best friend.
  • No Yay: (Squickily enough, it's hard to escape the impression that TJ has a full-blown crush on WordGirl.)
  • Periphery Demographic:
    • It's a vocabulary-based Edutainment show on PBS targeting six-year-olds. The fact that it even has a TV Tropes page is telling, let alone one this long.
    • Not exactly. It's on the PBS Kids Go! block, which by default targets older children. Also, Word of God has stated that attracting a periphery demographic was entirely intentional.
    • "Older children" meaning instead of six-year-olds, nine-year-olds watch it. Its fanbase is still a rather impressive feat.
  • Shipping:
    • There's a lot of shipping amongst the fans of the show (mainly due to the wide range of characters). Most shippings involve WordGirl with any one of the other characters.
    • WordGirl and Tobey, WordGirl and Scoops, WordGirl and Dr. Two Brains, WordGirl and Huggy, WordGirl and Violet...
    • WordGirl and Victoria Best, anyone?
  • Moral Event Horizon: Miss Power trying to kill Dr. Two Brains.
  • Ship Mates: If a fan ships WordGirl and Tobey, it might just as well be required that they also conveniently ship Scoops/Violet. Inversely, the shippers of WordGirl and anyone else are just as likely to ship Violet and Tobey.
  • Tastes Like Diabetes:
    • This in fact is what makes Little Mittens so successful at stopping WordGirl in "Meat with a Side of Cute".
    • WordGirl herself is very cute indeed. Her sparkly eyes and the way she plays with her Pretty Princess toys is just too cute to stand.
  • The Scrappy: Todd "Scoops" Ming is this to many fans
  • The Woobie: Amazing Rope Guy. Even the other villains think he's incompetent.
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