Wonder King
Wonder King is a free-to-play 2D sidescrolling MMORPG from Korea with a look and feel quite similar to that of a certain other free-to-play 2D sidescrolling MMORPG from Korea. One thing that sets it apart from its more well-known counterpart is that the Level Grinding is much quicker and currently goes up to level 140. While more end game content has been promised, such as new areas and mobs, new quests, and another upgrade to each class, such upgrades have been coming in very slowly. As such, the current end game content is rather sparse.
The North American version of the game is hosted by nDoors Interactive. Interestingly, the gameplay in this version has been drastically altered from the Korean and Japanese versions, and it is the only version with PvP.
For unknown reasons, Wonder King is offline, and may or may not come back in the future.
There are four available character classes, each of which can advance to one of two subclass paths.
- Swordsman - This class can use either a one-handed sword and shield combo or a BFS . Can advance to become a Knight/Paladin or Warrior/Berserker.
- Mage - This class has a wide variety of magic spells at their disposal. Advances to Wizard/Warlock or Priest/Saint.
- Thief - The Fragile Speedsters of the game. Their weapons of choice are throwing stars or dual wielded daggers. Can advance to either Ninja/Assassin or Rogue/Knave.
- Scout - This class specializes in ranged damage and traps. Can advance to Gunner/Gunslinger or Archer/Ranger.
- Blown Across the Room: Bosses do this quite often. Some skills do too.
- Boss Rush: There's a timed mission where you have to kill stronger versions of older bosses.
- Bribing Your Way to Victory: The chests in the cash shop (which function like gachapon) get you the best fashion items and pets. There's also exp cards and such, but the grind isn't so bad that you really need them.
- Boring but Practical: The Knight's Confession skill, which consumes a small amount of HP to speed up MP regeneration. Sure, you have to wait 5 minutes after it wears off before reusing it, but you can save on expensive MP potions with high enough MP to burn for the whole time it takes to use it again. Also, you can save your action slots for more skills you would use.
- Critical Hit
- Elemental Powers / Standard Status Effects: The Mage/Warlock spells.
- Fake Balance: Too much to list.
- Fragile Speedster: The entire Thief class.
- Game Breaker: This applies to a lot of skills such as Archer's poison, Berserker's Blazing Storm, Assassin's Blade of Vengeance, and pretty much every skill Saints have.
- Item Crafting: You learn to craft items after you complete a certain quest. Each character can only craft one type of item though.
- Joke Item: Some event items, but a lot of them are actually useful
- Kill It with Fire: Berserker skills are Fire-themed.
- Laser Blade: The Paladin's Holy Light Bringer skill.
- Lethal Joke Character: Knaves, while pretty much a joke in the main game, can be deadly in PvP if used correctly.
- Level Grinding: It's an MMORPG, what did you expect? Not as bad as most, though.
- Mighty Glacier: Warriors
- Min-Maxing
- Money Spider: Pretty much every enemy in the game.
- More Dakka: The Gunslinger skills involve things like gatling guns, shotguns, bazookas and grenade launchers
- Player Party: Players can earn extra exp or zed (money) in a party.
- Player Versus Player
- Squishy Wizard: While the Mage class looks to be this, it only really applies to Wizards. The Priest subclass becomes impossible to kill.
- Status Buff: Lots of Priest skills.
- Stone Wall: Knights
- Super-Deformed
- Twenty Bear Asses: LOADS of quests, especially later on. Even worse is that later these quests will take forever to finish and the monsters will not be ideal for grinding EXP, so most people stop questing after a certain point.
- Vendor Trash: Plenty of monster drops, though a lot is used in crafting and such.