< Wolfenstein 3D

Wolfenstein 3D/Trivia

  • Fan Nickname: Pushable walls were quickly christened "push walls".
    • For German speaking countries where the above was in sanction, the game was nicknamed "Hundeschlitten 4C" in early internet message boards and software distribution sites.
  • Port Overdosed: But of course. Wolfenstein has been released almost as many times as Doom.
  • Technology Marches On: The limited lives, score counter and the dated sound effects makes this game far more dated than it's FPS contemporaries.
  • What Could Have Been: The game was originally intended to draw a lot more stealth elements from Castle Wolfenstein. For starters, hiding corpses.
    • Even before that, it was going to be an alien-themed game with the most awesome title ever: It's Green and Pissed!
    • Rise of the Triad was originally a sequel to Wolf 3D.
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