< Wizards


  • Anticlimax Boss: Blackwolf is hyped up as a powerful sorcerer, but he's easily killed when Avatar decides to forgo any kind of magic and settles for shooting him dead with a surprise pistol.
  • Complete Monster: Blackwolf, the self-stylized Hitler-wannabe who serves as the film's Big Bad. He was noted to be a freak as a kid who would torture animals for fun, but as an adult he's a genocidal madman leading an army formed by the legions of Hell and various mutated monsters turned brutal through the use of Nazi propaganda. While he talks big about how the mutants are a "Master Race", he has no real love for them and merely uses them as pawns in his mad bid for world domination, and has no problem ordering the death of his infant son when he's born a mutant.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: The villians get several, the most memorable being when they easily overrun a heavily fortified elven defense line by using old World War II propaganda films to distract and disorient them. Especially priceless considering how confident the defenders were just seconds previously.
    • Avatar gets one when, after swearing not to fight back, he is shot in the shoulder with an arrow. He proceeds to nonchalantly shrug it off and carry on as normal, despite it having penetrated at least a couple of inches. This is actually what finally convinces the fairies to aid him.
    • Peace's death comes right in the middle of his own CMOA - when he rushes a tank by himself, on foot, and nearly beats it before Elinore literally stabs him in the back.
      • Peace gets a retroactive one when Avatar reveals that he's been constantly fighting against Blackwolf's influence the entire time. Even when he manages to find his gun again, and is given multiple chances to empty a magazine into the group, he never once thinks of doing it. Elinore even compliments his resolve once it's revealed she was brainwashed into killing him.
    • While some call it an anticlimax, The way Avatar kills Blackwolf is definitely this. He doesn't waste time by arguing extensively with him, or engage him in a wizard's duel. He simply whips out a gun and shoots the evil bastard dead, while spouting a badass one-liner. "I'm glad you changed your last name, you son of a bitch!"
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Several, once again mostly for the Mooks. 'They killed Fritz!' and the scene with the priests are probably the best, though.
  • Cult Classic
  • Tear Jerker: Peace's death at the hands of a brainwashed Elinore
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