< Witch Girls Adventures

Witch Girls Adventures/YMMV

  • Draco in Leather Pants - The Malleus Maleficarum gets this among critics of the setting, because of how bitchy and self-centered the witches can be, combined with the ability to act on this bitchiness through Baleful Polymorph, disintegration, and casual murder. In the actual canon, they're a gang of Complete Monsters whose tragic experiences with witches lead them to consider merely being a witch a crime punishable by death, and will gladly kill witches who aren't evil and use their powers for the benefit of others or in self-defense, or children who quite literally don't know any better than to turn people they don't like into toads just because they can.
  • Nightmare Fuel -- The characters can be creative in their cruelty.
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: The writing is at a slightly higher level than you'd expect for a kids' game, the discussion of the world, setting, politics and economics will definitely go over the head of younger readers, and the casual wickedness of the Witch Girls is probably not something you want to encourage your kids to be playing out.
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