< Wishology


  • Complete Monster: The Destructinator was the only villain in the series that was played straight by attempting to kill not just Timmy but the entire world. He was also the only one to be Killed Off for Real.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Timmy has a number of this throughout the special; from completing tasks without access to magic, the show's premise, to his Heroic Sacrifice in the second part. Not to mention, his Calling the Old Man Out in the third part to Jorgen and Turbo Thunder.
  • Plot Hole: In the the second part of the movie, Timmy asks several of his enemies for assistance after he had been cut off from his friends and family. Strangely enough, he doesn't even consider going to Tootie and/or another of his friends like Sanjay and Elmer to help in defeating the Darkness..
    • Possibly because he needed people to help him with fighting and space travel, and, while Tootie may be able to fight a little, the enemies were definatly better canidates for that.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: The whole trilogy felt it could've explored Trixie's boy-loving side more again, or show Tootie's whereabouts, or at least shown more action like the commercial promised.
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