Wildsiderz is a comic book series created by J. Scott Campbell and Andy Hartnell, and published by Wildstorm Productions. It is the second series created by Campbell and Hartnell after their successful Danger Girl. It features a group of teenagers who, through newly developed holographic technology, can take on the powers of animals to fight a mad scientist.
It was originally planned as a five-issue limited series (six, if issue #0 is included). Issue #2 was the last issue, released in November 2005. Issue #3 was originally set for release on April 19, 2006, but has been delayed. Neither Wildstorm nor Campbell has given any official comment for the delay. No word was ever given as to whether it was canceled or delayed. DC/Wildstorm no longer promotes it as part of its Web site.
- Derek Styler - A skateboard fanatic, computer genius, and insect freak, Styler helped create the holographic technology used by the Wildsiderz. His holographic "wildside" is the dragonfly, which allows him to fly at hypersonic speeds, see with 360-degree vision, and fire blasts of energy from his "tail".
- Jessica "Jess" Jennings - Styler's best friend (though she wishes he would see her as a girlfriend), Jess is a volunteer at an animal refuge. She is the teams resident animal expert. Her "wildside" is the eagle, which allows her to fly at amazing speeds (she has yet to find her top velocity) and grab or shred objects with her foot talons.
- Katrina "Kat" Summers - Head cheerleader, Kat was actually a little clumsy, and wanted the Wildsiderz power to help her in her acrobatics. Her "wildside" is the panther, which gives her amazing agility, incredible balance, deadly claws and superhuman hearing.
- Zachary "Zak" Hamilton - The resident all-star athlete, Zak is a football player and Kat's boyfriend. He had Styler use data taken from a special effects studio to create his "wildside", the velociraptor, which gives him incredible running speed, slashing talons, and a powerful bite.
- William "Bam" Boome - A big burly jock with more muscles than brains, Bam is Zak's best friend. He loves to eat and party. His "wildside" is the gorilla, which gives him superhuman strength and dexterity.
- Mirra Martin - The super-genius who helped Styler create his holographic tech, Mirra used a wheelchair, until she used the holographic tech to restore her ability to walk. She has no "wildside", but has a pair of hard-light holographic "legs" which are superimposed over her real legs, enabling her to walk, run or jump better than an Olympic athlete.
- Tyberious Spydre - Evil genius who used the Wildsiderz technology to create holographic monsters (Terror-Bytes) who obey his commands. He hates Mirra.
- Janyne - Tyberious' assistant and bodyguard. She was given Wildsiderz tech to better serve her boss. Her "wildside" is the mantis, which gives her lightning-fast reflexes and sword-like pincers.
This comic book provides examples of:
- Acrofatic: Bam with his powers
- Adorkable Stlyer
- Animal Motifs
- Brilliant but Lazy: Styler doesn't bother trying in his classes and Jess is concerned at his prospects for graduation, but he kind of developed the technology that gives the group its powers. Under Dr. Martin's tutelage, but still.
- Dumb Muscle: Bam
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero: Derek Styler the guitar playing, skaterboy, and co-creator of the wildsider technology is the series lead.
- The Lancer: Zachary "Zak" Hamilton, the star quarterback with good looks and popularity. He knows how to lead and is charming.
- The Big Guy: William "Bam" Boome is Zak's best friend and the strongest member.
- The Smart Guy: Jessica "Jess" Jennings, although she didn't create the tech, she knows everything there is to know about animals. It also hinted that she is more book and street smart than her best friend Derek.
- The Chick: Kathriene "Kat" Summer, the girlfriend of Zak and love interest of Styler. She's the head cheerleader, who uses her woman ways on guys, pep talks her squad, and stays socially superior.
- Handicapped Badass: Dr. Mirra Martin, who can use the technology to graft holographic legs over her own giving her enhanced speed and lower body strength.
- Jerk Jock: Bam is a borderline case.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Bam volunteers at food drives.
- Love Triangle: Styler wants Kat, who is currently with Zak. Jess wants Styler but is also attracted to Zak.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Bam is pretty clearly based on Chris Farley. This is Lampshaded in his #0 profile.
- The Rolling Rock Raptors as a whole might be based on the Indianapolis Colts -- check the uniform colors.
- does mirra Martin look like Halle berry to anyone else?
- Orphaned Series: As of this writing (June 2011) it's been over 5 years since issue #2 came out -- and if there was any lingering doubt/hope, the Wildstorm imprint was shut down in late 2010.
- Rule of Cool: Campbell's stated reasoning behind pretty much the entire concept of Wildsiderz technology.
- Stout Strength: Bam, as expected from an offensive lineman.