Wild Life
Wild Life is a manga created by Fujisaki Masato, which tells the story of Tesshou, a veterinarian. He is an ordinary high school delinquent who has no skills but a perfect pitch. He goes on to become a veterinarian and uses his skill of perfect pitch to cure sick animals. Despite its comedic and light approach, this comic really has a lot to say about the life of vets and their work on wild life. It is both heartwarming and funny, and filled with adorable animals.
- A Dog Named "Dog": Tesshou's dog is named Inu , which means dog in Japanese
- Ambiguously Brown: Shiryou
- Anything That Moves: Ryoto, his favorite target is Tessho, but has no qualms hitting on Hosho or anyone else for that matter.
- Awesome By Analysis: Almost all the main characters, since it's a required skill. But Hosho bring this to a whole new level: she's using her FANTASY, and boy her fantasy is wild and useful!
- Berserk Button: Under no circumstances should you dare to cause harm to trees in Riki's presence.
- Betty and Veronica: Played in the sixth volume's cover. Hosho as Veronica and Seno as Betty, not that Tessho noticed...
- Bilingual Bonus: Ryouto, when written in different kanji, means 'bisexual. And considering Ryouto's tendencies... well...
- Brilliant but Lazy: Ryoto
- But Not Too Foreign: Averted. The veterinarians of R.E.D. go all around the world and therefore meet people from many different ethnicities. Surprisingly, the foreigners, such as Americans and Africans are drawn realistically to look American and African rather than the usual re-coloring of a normally drawn manga character.
- The Cameo: Steve Irwin. Yes, that Steve Irwin.
- Chaste Hero: Tessho, doubles as Book Dumb Idiot Hero, poor Hosho and Seno...
- Chekhov's Gun: R.E.D.'s owner's dentures, used as an idea to design a replacement beak for a penguin.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: The first chapter when Tesshou is getting a job interview.
Interviewer: Thank you for applying for a job at our store. Do you have any special skills?
Applicant 1: I learned to calculate on the abacus with great skill at 5!
Interviewer: Hmm, very interesting. You?
Applicant 2: People always say I have great people skills!
Interviewer: Interesting. And you on the left?
Tesshou: Iwashiro Tetsushou-kun. And I have a... PERFECT SENSE OF HEARING!
Everybody in the room: ...
- Every time Professor Ryoto hits on Tesshou.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: When Tesshou saved Dog when Dog had seemingly died in the first chapter.
- Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon:
Tesshou: I'll tie you to my motorbike and take you on a death tour around Japan, or use seawater from Tokyo Bay to boil you on national television. Then I'll turn your body into an anatomical model and lock you up into the "Extreme Cold Experience" House in Cosmo World. Only an abnormal corpse will ever be found...
- Friend to All Children: Tesshou, for the same reason he is good with animals.
- Friend to All Living Things: Tesshou, who is known for his big heart.
- Ho Yay: Way too many to count. Ryoto constantly hits on Tesshou, and is explicitly stated to be either gay or bisexual. Ryoto hitting on Tesshou is a running gag, and henceforth, the Ho Yay moments are piled on throughout the manga. Poor Tesshou... All played for laughs, though.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: Riki.
Riki: No matter what kind of person you are; there is a fat chance of being resented and betrayed by others. Humans, like devils; only thinking of themselves.
- Love Triangle: At least from Hosho's point of View, look at how Tessho and Seno act, though Seno began to notice it herself making this trope (somewhat) true...
- Older Than They Look: Ryoto.
- Ryoto's Dad.
- Ryoto's Mom.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Awww, look at that Koala. However, the critters, while drawn adorable, are somewhat realistically drawn.
- Shout-Out: Sneakily to Detective Conan, in two instances.
- Shown Their Work: Want to learn how to cook with ostrich eggs? How about how to fix a turtle shell? Are you interested in the fundamentals of penguin walking efficiency? Really, we could go on all day.
- Fun thing: Wild Life is a Manga in this universe and Hosho learned a LOT from it even though she did not fully understand and doubt the credibility.
- Super Senses: Tesshou has a perfect pitch. He can hear the slightest sounds, such as the beating of the heart of an animal, or the rhythm of its breathing, and uses the skill to tell if the animals are suffering any difficulties. It is of a genetic origin.
- Talking to Plants: Riki
- Tear Jerker: Dog's temporary death in chapter 1
- In general, the success stories when there is enough emotion involved. Galaxy the giraffe comes specifically to mind.