Wild Hogs

Four guys from the city realize they are getting on in years and decide to go on a cross country road trip on their motorcycles. Hilarity Ensues.
Wild Hogs stars John Travolta as Woody, Martin Lawrence as Bobby, Tim Allen as Doug, and William H. Macy as Dudley. The film also stars Ray Liotta, Stephen Tobolowsky, and Marisa Tomei.
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Tropes used in Wild Hogs include:
- All Deserts Have Cacti: Averted. The desert that the four main characters get stranded in didn't have any, much to Bobby's frustration, as he's experiencing dehydration.
- Badass Biker: Arguably all four of the main characters are this by the end of the movie.
- Cloudcuckoolander : John Travolta's character is deep in denial about the disastrous collapse of his business and marriage, and goes on to be the main catalyst for the pursuit by the Del Fuegos which forms much of the film
- Cool Hat - Dudley's WW 2 tank helmet, although subverted by one of the other characters referring to it as a "leather condom"
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: The gang standing up to the bikers at the end, keeping getting back up no matter how many times they're pushed down.
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero: Woody
- The Lancer: Doug
- The Smart Guy: Dudley
- The Big Guy: Bobby
- Henpecked Husband: Bobby, at least at first.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Isn't that Dr. Cox as the gay cop that keeps harrassing the bikers? Also Paulie senior from Orange County Choppers As Himself
- Horrible Camping Trip Turned Up to Eleven when they manage to burn their tent and get harassed by a gay cop as a result.
- Misplaced Names Poster
- Product Placement: Dudley gets a Mac Apple logo tattooed onto his arm. He is very proud of the tattoo's invulnerability to copyright.
- Shout-Out - lots of these, but especially to Easy Rider - throwing away the cell phone at the start, the whole "bathing in the hot springs" scene, Peter Fonda's cameo near the end. Dudley's tanker helmet could be one of these to Jack Nicholson's football helmet. Some of the riding scenes near the end. Also John Travolta's character trying to teach Dudley to dance.
- Stuff Blowing Up: A whole biker bar, at that.
- Took a Level in Badass: All four of them.
- Wannabe Diss: First, by the villainous biker gang towards the Wild Hogs, because they're a bunch of middle-aged guys who just do this for fun instead of terrorizing people. Then, by the villains' hero to the villains, because four middle-aged guys who bike for the sake of biking are standing up to a whole horde of guys in their prime.
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