< Wild ARMs 3

Wild ARMs 3/YMMV

  • Bittersweet Ending: Used interestingly. While Siegfried and Beatrice are both defeated, Filgaia is still a wasteland (though again, its getting better), and the leader of Filgaia's most prominent religion is dead. Oh, and the heroes are blamed, wrongly, for his death. On the other hand, the party isn't too broken up about it, and the ending sends the player off with an uplifting feeling- it's not like people haven't tried to kill Virginia and Co. before. And the last thing we see is that Hope Springs Eternal.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome - Numerous bits of the soundtrack. Consistent composition also makes the soundtrack as a whole qualify, even if a number of the songs are merely above average by their lonesome. The mere fact that this game has a Theme Song with a Old West whistle version should tell you how amazing the music soundtrack is.
  • Game Breaker -
    • Equip Finest Arts on Clive and then reset his ARM so there's only two bullets in it. Let destruction ensue. Notable in that the Final Boss seems to be built on the assumption that you will do this, as they're a bitch to kill otherwise, and the Bonus Boss fights absolutely require you to do this.
    • Like all good jRPGs, there are plenty of Game Breakers in the endgame if you pay attention to the game mechanics. Finest Arts is just the most blatant.
    • "Endgame" nothing. The "Valiant" buff, which puts your physical damage through the roof as long as you don't heal to full, is available early in the second act.
  • Goddamned Bats - The owls who steal your stuff and run away. Especially because you can't just buy more healing potions.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion - Shane Carradine, Gallows' cute, borderline-loli little... brother?!
    • Also an awesome example of Dude Looks Like a Lady - the party gets a reaction shot after Gallows initially refers to him as his brother. Clive and Jet look entirely unfazed. Virginia is stunned. Other people continually comment on how pretty Shane is.
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