Wife and Wife
"I love you. My precious wife..."
Wife and Wife (Fu~fu) is the tale of Sumi and Kina, a young lesbian couple who have just recently moved in with each other. The Manga follows the pair as they make their heartwarming first steps since taking their relationship to the next level... from what to they should call each other, to buying their first bed, and everything in between. Billed as "the loving story of a leisurely life together", the series lives up to this promise by remaining surprisingly angst and drama free.
Wife and Wife is a Seinen Slice of Life manga written and illustrated by Hisanari Minamoto. The series began its run in 2009, and is published in the magazine Yuri Hime S. The manga shows strong influence by Miyabi Fujieda[1], with whom Minamoto collaborated on a K-On! yuri doujin earlier.
- Angrish: When her older sister makes a pass at Sumi, Kina doesn't take it too well.
- Beta Couple: Hayase and Homugi, who have just moved in together in chapter 5.
- Big Word Shout: Honeymoooooooooooon! [dead link]
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Isn't that summary a bit too simple?
- And later we get this:
Kina: Usually I wait until the last two or three pages to do this but let's jump right in!
Sumi: Calm down, Suu-chan.
Caption: No breakin' the fourth wall!
- In fact, fourth wall breaking became a staple in the manga after four chapters or so.
- Cat Smile: Kina does this in chapter two.
- Cast Full of Gay: Thanks to Kana, there's exactly one character so far who hasn't shown some lesbian inclination, possibly because she gets no lines.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Kana. She dates multiple girls at a time, but not because she's mean-spirited; she just "loves them all so much."
- Cloudcuckoolander: Kina.
- Cool Big Sis: Kana, though Kina doesn't seem to admire her that much.
- Cute Little Fang: Kina sports one here.
- Different As Night and Day: Kina and Kana.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Kana tends to invoke this effect, attracting girls regardless of the other's actual inclination.
- Expressive Hair: Kina's Idiot Hair does this on occasion.
- Eyes Always Shut: Hayase
- Hidden Depths: Who would have thought Kana of all people would have the closest the series has come to a sad back story?
- Hot Springs Episode: Chapter 4.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: The chapters are labeled 1st Night, 2nd Night, etc.
- The Idiot From Osaka: Subverted with Kina, who, despite having the overall mentality, is not only shown to be rather insightful at times, but can also be quite devious in her knowledge of how to push Sumi's buttons.
- Idiot Hair: Kina, as adorably shown when she was moving over to her wife's side of the blanket.
- If It's You It's Okay: Kana has this effect on just about every woman she meets.
- Intertwined Fingers: As shown in the page image.
- Iyashikei
- Kansai Regional Accent: Kina and Kana are from Kansai and speak its dialect.
- Ladykiller in Love: Kana for Shirayuki in chapter 7.
- Lipstick Lesbians
- Love At First Sight: Kina apparently has that affect on a total stranger. Surprisingly she responds to this as if it were a Drama Bomb.
- Meganekko: Sumi.
- Not What It Looks Like: When Kina stumbles out of the apartment, wearing a pair of cat ears, Hayase assumes they were doing...something. And insists there's "No need to explain."
Kina: It's even worse if yer understandin'!
- Pun-Based Title: The phrase 夫婦, pronounced fūfu, means "married couple" (the first kanji by itself means "husband" and the second one by itself means "wife"); the title for this manga is this pronunciation written phonetically in hiragana: ふ~ふ[2]. It just so happens that if you were to take the kanji meaning "wife" and repeat it twice, the result (婦婦) could be pronounced the same except for the absence of the long vowel (fufu or ふふ); hence, "Wife and Wife".
- Written a different way, fufu is also the sound of playful, teasing laughter, such as between bantering lovers.
- Really Gets Around: Kana, who would bed pretty much any cute girl in the vicinity on the grounds of "loving them all equally".
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: In the bonus chapter showing how they got together.
- Sibling Rivalry: Between Kina and Kana.
- Shipper on Deck: Kana ships Sumi/Kina, though she's not so open about it--at first.
- Sleep Cute
- Slice of Life
- Straight Man: Sumi, despite being neither straight nor a man.
- Super-Deformed: Spends about half the time like this.
- Sweet Dreams Fuel: Made of it.
- Tiny Tyrannical Girl: Komugi towards Hayase.
- Title Drop: In an exchange between Sumi and Kina at the beginning of the series.
Kina: "I got it, Suu-chan. I'm gonna be yer wife after all. An' yer gonna be my wife... So that's it! We're Wife an' Wife!"
- Unusual Euphemism: After being turned down for the first time, Kana mentions that "Normally, we'd be gettin' our Wildrose on right 'bout now"(a reference to the adult magazine of the family).
- Yuri Genre