< Wide World of Sports

Wide World of Sports/YMMV

  • Crowning Music of Awesome -- The full classic theme.
  • Ear Worm -- If you're old enough (and North American), the opening fanfare is already in your head.
  • Follow the Leader -- NBC and CBS both had their own versions of Wide World, as well as several international versions. ESPN, in it's early days, was basically "Wide World: The Network".
  • Never Live It Down -- Vinko Bogataj, AKA the "Agony Of Defeat" guy.
    • Vinko was competing in a ski jump event in 1970 when he spectacularly wiped out. Amazing enough, he suffered only minor cuts. The show would, every so often, switch out "The Thrill Of Victory" to represent any current winning athlete or team. But they kept Vinko's wipeout for nearly their entire history to represent "The Agony of Defeat" (they changed it in the mid-Nineties to a Indy race car smash-up).
    • Being a Yugoslavian, he never knew that he had achieved infamy in the United States until The Nineties when the show held an anniversary party and invited him. He got an autograph request from Muhammad Ali.
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