Wicked Science
Wicked Science is an Australian television series, which debuted on July 2, 2004. The series focuses on Toby Johnson (played by André de Vanny) and Elizabeth Hawke (played by Bridget Neval), two teenagers who are turned into wizards of science by an accident in a laboratory. The series was originally run on Network Ten from 2004 to 2006 of which it then moved to Disney Channel, Wicked Science has also screened on ABC 1 and ABC 2.
This show provides examples of:
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: A Koala and a toy doll get this treatment by Toby and Elizabeth respectively
- Big Eater: Russ.
- The Bully: Garth Kink. His favourite punchbag is Russ, Toby's best friend. Garth acts as Elizabeth's henchman in most episodes.
- Conspicuous CGI: Many of the special effects used per episode look like this.
- Evil Genius: Elizabeth uses his new intelligence as a way to get money, power and what she most desires: Toby's affections.
- Girls with Moustaches: One episode has a female character grow a beard after her Mad Scientist friend tried to cure her baldness.
- Groundhog Day Loop: Elizabeth traps Toby in one of those, in an universe where they are a couple. She has a Reset Button that she keeps using in order to make Toby accept the new reality.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Toby. While he ends losing his genius at the end of the first season he gets it back he gets it back at the beginning of the second (thought Toby himself admits that he missed being smart).
- I Just Want to Be Special: Jack wants to discover Toby and Elizabeth's secret to become a genius himself.
- Love Potion: Toby creates superpheromones so guys become irresistible to girls. It doesn't end well.
- The Masquerade: Toby and Elizabeth have worked together so their genius is not discovered.
- Plucky Comic Relief: Russ again.
- Reset Button: At the end of every episode things get back to normal.
- Save the Villain: Toby has had to help Elizabeth more than once when her experiments gave her unexpected results.
- Mohs Scale of Science Fiction Hardness: On the soft side.
- Teleporters and Transporters: Elizabeth creates one of those.
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