< Wicked Lovely
Wicked Lovely/YMMV
- Canon Sue: Seth, especially after Fragile Eternity
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: When Niall forgives Irial. Actually, the entire second half of Stopping Time. And pretty much any other Nirial moment.
- Evil Is Sexy: The whole Dark Court, but especially Irial.
- Fan Community Nickname: Lovelies. Members of the fan forum are rathers. Yes, it does lead to jokes about being 'rather lovely'.
- Idiot Ball: Aislinn in Fragile Eternity, Sorcha in Radiant Shadows.
- Iron Woobie: Donia
- Jerk With A Heart Of Gold: Keenan, although YMMV.
- Magnificent Bastard: Sionach in the manga, Bananach, Irial has shades of it as well.
- Moral Event Horizon: Bananach crosses it in Radiant Shadows, when she kills Tish.
- Needs More Love: Maybe. The fandom is small but devoted, which gives it a cutesy 'family' feel, but a bit more exposure couldn't hurt.
- Nightmare Fuel:
- What you get when you think too hard about the Dark court's activities in Ink Exchange.
- Bananach is also a source.
- No Yay: Think too much about how Beira acts towards Donia in the first book and you could be squicked out.
- One True Threesome: Irial/Niall/Leslie, Ani/Devlin/Rae
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Keenan, to many readers after reading Darkest Mercy.
- Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: "There are always choices." The theme about survival and overcoming addiction in Ink Exchange as well.
- Took a Level in Badass: Niall in Fragile Eternity, Aislinn in Darkest Mercy.
- Wangst: Niall, at times.
- The Woobie: Niall, Leslie, Donia. Keenan is a massive one in Darkest Mercy.
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