
The universe inhabited by The Doctor. It is a large and unwieldy beast full of internal contradictions. Fortunately, it's a really, really big universe encompassing, er, the entire universe and a history stretching, oh, from the Big Bang to 100 trillion years in the future (plus an alternate universe or five).

The Whoniverse resides in (or sometimes near near) the Softest end of the Mohs Scale of Science Fiction Hardness. Sometimes it's another genre entirely, just with Aliens and Monsters.

The BBC and other copyright holders have never defined what part, if any, of the Doctor Who Expanded Universe is Canon, though the adventure games produced from 2010-2011 are said to have been produced alongside the show as extra "episodes". Further complicating things is that the universe is about time travel, allowing for alternative and overwritten timelines.

The main Live Action TV series set in the Whoniverse:

Behind-the-scenes TV series:

  • Doctor Who Confidential (2005-2011): A behind the scenes look at the revived series of Doctor Who.
  • Torchwood Declassified (2006-present): The equivalent to Confidential for Torchwood. Moved to a DVD feature after series 2.

The Doctor Who Expanded Universe:

Common tropes:

For tropes associated with Doctor Who, specifically, see that article.

Debate on the content of the Whoniverse is the stuff of legends. Countless works of the Universe Concordance kind (some official, some not) try to keep them straight. Good luck, folks!

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