< White Elephants

White Elephants/YMMV

  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Redlight. He works for the Slender Man and removes the memories of two of the most influential bloggers. On the other hand, he doesn't recruit them for Slendy, either, and they both seem fairly happy in their new lives. Is he tearing the community apart on the Slender Man's orders, or fighting against Him by freeing people from His influence?
    • In light of more recent events, the more favorable interpretation of Redlight is starting to fall from favour, though.
    • And for Robert himself. at what point, if ever, did he begin to go insane?
  • Broken Base: the tendency for some bloggers to give themselves titles and special powers caused some bloggers to abandon the Core Theory.
  • Complete Monster: Slender Man and Redlight.
  • Crazy Awesome: This is a blog about a man who taunted Slender Man for the purposes of testing what works against him by hitting or shooting with anything he can buy/find/make and lived.
    • KK may qualify as well, since she threw a Proxy off a roof on her first day on the blog and drove the Slender Man away by blasting him with show tunes
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: The bloggers near unanimously rebuking Redlight when he offered an easy way out after what he did to Robert.
  • Mary Sue: Was accused of lying to elevate himself to this level in the eyes of the slenderbloggers by redlight. Others theorize that redlight even bothering to try to discredit him while flaunting how powerful Slender Man is and telling the bloggers that "they need to kow their place" means either Robert was onto something or that it was a Gambit on Robert's part to try to weaken Slender Man by instilling optimism in the bloggers but was then Out-Gambitted by Slenderman and redlight. Your Mileage May Vary.
    • In addition, the tendency for bloggers following Robert's Core Theory to give themselves special titles and even superpowers led to a large amount of backlash and caused many bloggers to abandon the title system.
  • Tear Jerker: Robert's ultimate fate. He was captured, tortured, and had amnesia forcefully induced by someone named redlight, who then took over Robert's blog and taunted the slenderbloggers in an attempt to break them.
    • Redlight in midst of flaunting his victory also had the nerve to bring out an offer he thought the bloggers couldn't refuse, but was rebuked en masse with only Nessa being a willing exception. Even then though, it was only after she was captured, brain-washed, killed, and resurrected.
      • See the Shaggy Dog Story entry.
  • The Woobie: Robert once stood firm as a figure of stength, logic, and hope alongside Nessa for the slendercommunity in the fight against Slender Man. Since then he's been strategically broken, humiliated, and then rendered amnesiac before the whole thing started all over when became rehaunted while protecting some children from slim.
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