< Where the Hell Is Matt?

Where the Hell Is Matt?/YMMV

  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: All of the videos, really. Matt dancing in zero gravity in particular, but also him at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, him in Bolivia appearing to dance on the waters surface itself, him dancing on top of a rock wedged precariously between two cliffs, and him going into the DMZ. Yes, THAT DMZ.
    • He also reveals in his blog that MTV once asked permission to feature him in a discussion of "dancing douchebaggery". In response, he wrote back:

Dear MTV, I will consent to use of my image on your show if you can kindly meet the following conditions: I would like MTV President Van Toffler to sign a consent form agreeing to change the network's name from "Music Television" to "Crappy, Condescending Reality Show Television." I would like him to then issue a statement apologizing to our nation's youth for making them lazy, stupid and pregnant. Also, please ask Van to get a less douchebaggy name.

  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Matt made a video in dedication to the girl who sung the song in the first video. The video is called "Where the hell is Afunakwa?"
    • In fact, the whole video is one huge Crowning Moment of Heartwarming. See those crowds of people of all ages and ethnic backgrounds dancing happily together with Matt?
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Every video has a spectacular score, with the song making the dancing seem incredibly epic.
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