< Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego?

Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego?/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Lee Jordan, the ex-ACME agent turned petty criminal who attempts to kill Zack and Ivy in his debut, and in the last episodes of the series, blackmails Carmen into working for him by holding her possible father hostage and threatening to kill him if she doesn't do what he says. And he does it all for fame and wealth.
  • Ear Worm: If you can find another show featuring an epic sweeping adventure score merged with a jazzy gospel-esque choir as its opening theme, bring it.
  • Fanon Discontinuity: In most fanfiction, the Player and anything referring to the show's universe as a PC game are largely ignored.
  • Genius Bonus: Some of the things Carmen tells the Player are either elaborations or paraphrases of quotes from fairly obscure philosophers.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Maelstrom, and Carmen herself of course.
  • Older Than They Think: Is this where Disney got their inspiration for an action series about a Fiery Redhead Action Girl whose blond male sidekick and a Voice with an Internet Connection help her pursue a hot former crimefighter with long black hair who turned to crime For the Evulz because she was bored being a good guy?
    • And now I'm imagining that someone at Disney secretly wanted Zack to end up with his sister. Thank you VERY MUCH...
  • What an Idiot!: At the end of The Tigress, Ivy reveals the whole thing was a set up to make Carmen jealous and cause her to let down her guard, so they can catch her. When they do, Zack explains how he made super powered rocket boots enabling Ivy to fly. RIGHT IN FRONT OF CARMEN WHO WAS HANDCUFFED NEXT TO HIM, enabling her to take the boots and fly right out of the police van! Did he suddenly forget who he was talking to?!
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