< What Measure Is a Non-Cute?

What Measure Is a Non-Cute?/Playing With

  • Basic Trope: Animals often thought of as "cute" are good guys, while those that are considered scary or "ugly" are evil.
  • Straight: Alice the Cute Bunny and her friends, Bob the Robin and Charlie the Turtle are in a competition with the Jerk Jock Billy Possum and his Weasel and Snake Cohorts
  • Exaggerated: Billy Possum is a Card-Carrying Villain and Complete Monster with the help of just about every other “ugly" animal in the community. Also, Alice is a pure-hearted soul and her friends are the paragons of goodness.
    • Billy Possum doesn’t look anything like a real possum, and instead looks more like a hideous ghoul who came straight out of the bowels of Hell.
  • Downplayed: Billy Possum is just insecure, but still rude to others who come across him.
  • Justified: Billy Possum and his friends have always faced discrimination and hatred from others based on their appearance alone, so in return they act like Jerkasses.
  • Inverted: Alice the Bunny is a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing, while Billy Possum is The Ace who helps out with others simply because it’s the right thing to do
  • Subverted: In the midst of the competition, it turns out that deep down Billy Possum is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold who just wants to use the money to raise funds for ostracized “ugly” animals trapped in the slums.
  • Double Subverted: …But it turns out that he’s still an asshole to Alice Bunny when he kicks down and laughs at one of her baby sisters after calling out on him out for cheating.
  • Parodied: Billy Possum breaks out into songs about his pride in “ugliness” while Alice is the The Ditz who bases her judgment on cuteness alone, often making mistakes in the process.
  • Deconstructed: Because Billy Possum and his friends are such Jerkasses towards everyone, it inspires the villagers to engage in Fantastic Racism towards those who are “different”, committing genocide and ostracizing all the animals who aren’t “cute enough” by their standards.
  • Reconstructed: It turns out later, that the animals need the “ugly” animals in their society or else things will go out of whack.
  • Averted: Billy Possum and Alice Bunny are no better or worse than each other, and see themselves as equals.
  • Lampshaded: "It’s not a very nice feeling to be discriminated against for appearance alone, Alice. So now do you know why I'm angry all the time?"
  • Discussed: Why are all of Alice’s friends cute and friendly, whereas Billy’s gangs are nothing more than thugs who like to bully others for fun?
  • Defied: Alice and Billy both agree that Fantastic Racism based on appearance alone is an abhorrent thing to do.
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