< What Does She See in Him?

What Does She See in Him?/Playing With

Basic Trope: A woman falls for a guy, and someone else doesn't understand his appeal to her.

  • Played Straight: Alice falls for Bob, who is The Pig Pen and a bit of a Jerkass.
    • Alice falls for Bob, and Carl, jealous, overlooks that Bob's better looking and more reliable than him to fall to get it.
  • Exaggerated: Alice falls for Bob, even though she knows he's got bad habits of cheating on, abusing, and even killing his Love Interests.
  • Justified: Alice knows that in spite of his bad habits and flaws, Bob is actually a good person.
  • Inverted: Bob falls for Alice, despite her being Hollywood Homely and not very friendly.
    • Bob is a sadist murderer who lives under a bridge. Alice is the head of the biggest company of the city, has written six books about theorethical physics, plays tennis with the Queen of England every Friday and owns the New York Yankees. Everybody treats Bob like he's the desirable part and Alice like a very bad choice he's making.
    • Alice falls for Carl, who is darn near perfect.
    • Everyone knows that Lucinda and Mortimer are both wonderful people who would be great together, but they show no interest.
  • Subverted: Alice falls for Bob, because he treats her like gold.
  • Double Subverted: But sometimes he's overprotective and too jealous.
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed:
  • Parodied: Alice falls for Bob, who doesn't even know the meaning of the word hygiene, has nothing in common with her...and treats women terribly.
  • Lampshaded: "What Does She See in Him??"
  • Averted: Alice has nothing but the most impeccable standards for who gets to date her.
    • Bob is darn near perfect.
  • Enforced: All Girls Want Bad Boys, Unholy Matrimony, Freaky Fashion, Mild Mind, Ugly Guy, Hot Wife, Parental Marriage Veto
  • Defied: Alice has a mental checklist that her Love Interests must live up to.
  • Discussed: "Alice can do better..."
  • Conversed: "How did a lout like Bob end up with Alice?"
  • Played For Laughs: Ugly Guy, Hot Wife
  • Played For Drama: Parental Marriage Veto
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