< What Do You Do
What Do You Do/Characters
Party Members (Current and Former)
James Woodrock
"Oh hi Jane, did you bring my walrus?"
James is the main character, although not the leader of the party. With rare exceptions, he is the only character under the fans' direct control.
- All There in the Manual: Literally... and in-universe. James has a copy of the Rulebook for the "game" that WDYD is based off of.
- Attractive Bent Gender
- Cloudcuckoolander: Unavoidable given that he is controlled by a large number of different people.
- Cosmic Plaything: The entity playing with him? The fan base.
- Death Is Cheap: James has died and come back to life once now.
- The Hero
- Idiot Hero
- Our Elves Are Better
- Reality Warper: One Epileptic Tree puts James as a Haruhi-esque master of the universe:
- Every time he tries to do something (such as infiltrating a high-security conference or escaping from cages in Verzaft's lair), it eventually works out.
- So far, nobody has suspected him of not being an ambassador, despite his obviously non-aristocratic behavior.
- He can pull objects from nowhere.
- The fairy potion he makes early in the game just happens to turn him into a god.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Arguably, with Techy or Jane.
- The Watson: Originally; mostly averted now that he has the Rulebook.
"Your ignorance amuses me, elf."
Jane served as the party's de facto leader, and originally was the resident Undead representative, until she was cured in Chapter 2.
- Back from the Dead: In her Backstory, even if she slightly Came Back Wrong (Undead are created by botched resurrection spells).
- Then in Chapter 2, she came back from Back From The Dead.
- The Comically Serious: Jane is a killjoy!
- The Lancer or The Smart Guy
- Not Quite Back to Normal: Inverted. She is now even more back to normal than she was previously, since she is no longer undead.
- No Yay: People originally speculated about a James-Jane pairing. Jossed, or at least highly advised against.
- Only Sane Man
- The Stoic
- The Undead: Originally introduced as the token Undead.
"Afta death, every beeing has a certen peried av frejness, in which a small part uv it iz alive."
- The Big Guy or The Lancer
- Sdrawkcab Name: While impersonating the real ambassador, he goes by Yhcet.
- Funetik Aksent
- Heroic Sociopath
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same
- Psychopathic Manchild: Has the highest deliberate body count of any character.
- Transplant: From Quest for Kongregation, the precursor to WDYD.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Debatable with James.
- The Big Guy or The Chick
- Cloudcuckoolander: Becomes this when she temporarily takes over the main character role.
- The Chick: Used to be this.
- The Smart Guy: Is then this.
- And then back again.
- The Smart Guy: Is then this.
- Humans Are Special: But, a different kind of "special"...
- Spoony Bard
- Ho Yay: Deblin really enjoys hanging around with James, preferably without the rest of the party.
- Sixth Ranger
- Token Evil Teammate: Unless Techy counts.
A dark elf recently turned vampire.
- Fantastic Racism: Is strongly against the idea of giving vampires citizenship, even after being turned into one himself.
- Jerkass
- Lawful Stupid
A vampire. Nathan hates him.
The Guardian Sisters
- Big Bad
- Schmuck Bait: How he got Team James to come to his Tower Of Doom. Not that they need that much bait.
- Villain Exit Stage Left: After his dragon (the literal one) throws Team James out of his tower. He also gets Murray, and uses him to make a continent fly.
- The Dragon: About his only role so far has been as Verzaft's Dragon. Not the actual dragon, the trope.
- Evil Versus Evil: Possibly, with Rhode's unknown employer.
The Bandit Chief
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