Welcome to Evil Mart

Here, you can find all of the delightfully vile tools you could ever need as a Big Bad. Need a Death Trap? We carry them all, from Acid Pools to Trap Doors! Looking to make your Mooks more reliable? You can trade in the standard issue variety for top-of-the-line Evil, Inc.. Mecha-Mooks! Want to build a new Supervillain Lair or Den of Iniquity? We offer not only the materials, but some of the finest dark and foreboding real estate around!

So, what will it be today?

Not to be confused with Predatory Business, which is about corporations that are seen as evil due to unsavory business practices.

Examples of Welcome to Evil Mart include:

Comic Books

  • Several Marvel villains made careers out of this: Arcade used to make money by producing robotic "heroes" for the villains to practice on while Taskmaster made money by providing training for Mooks.
  • Justin Hammer and the Tinkerer are well-known super-villain technology suppliers in Marvel.
  • One of Spider-Man's less formidable enemies, the Kangaroo, got a suit of Powered Armor from the "Sharper Villain's Catalogue", but given it's quality, the place is likely a scam.
  • Leo Zelinsky is a tailor in Brooklyn who makes costumes for the heroes and villains in Marvel, though he alternates days, opening his shop for bad guys on Saturdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and for heroes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. He sees nothing wrong with this - he's just a guy trying to make a living.


  • Despicable Me has the Bank Of Evil (formerly Lehman Brothers).
  • Men in Black. Jack Jeebs provided exotic weaponry to alien criminals, such as the "reverberating carbonizer with mutate capacity" he sold to an unlicensed Cephalopoid assassin.
  • Megamind subverts this: he builds all his gadgets himself and he gets all his decorative stuff ("computers" that consist of nothing but flashing lights) from a small outlet in Romania.
  • In the second Hellboy film there is the troll market.
  • In the Cold Opening of Tomorrow Never Dies, James Bond infiltrates one of these. Cue Stuff Blowing Up and an escape in a fighter jet.
  • The entire country of Malaria in Igor, though it's less "buy our evil stuff" and more "pay us to not sell it".


Live-Action TV

  • The underworld black magic market seen in one episode of Charmed.
  • An episode of The Unusuals featured a store that sold murder equipment.
  • The greedy alien arms dealer Broodwing from Power Rangers SPD, the Evil Genius behind the rare Orangehead Krybots and the evil zords used by Emperor Gruumm. Nominally, Broodwing worked for Gruumm, but was ultimately a mercenary who'd build weapons for anyone. His wares were usually very expensive, but the tyrannical Gruumm would often demand his work for free. Possibly why the Rangers were so easily able to defeat them, as Broodwing didn't seem like the type who'd give his best merchandise to deadbeats.

Tabletop Games

  • The Champions supplement Gadgets! mentioned two organizations that sold weapons and other equipment to super villains: the West German KRONOS and Japanese ISE (International Scientific Elite).
  • Shadowrun. Fixers sell illegal equipment (including weapons and ammunition) to shadowrunners.

Video Games

  • The Octopus in GoldenEye: Rogue Agent
  • Arguably, these exist in Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines for the Player Character, though some may consider them to be anti-hero mart. These black-market dealers include- in order of severity: a pawnshop owner selling knives and 38. calibre pistols without a license; a bored clerk at a 7-11 offloading firearms to supplement meager pay; a Chinese ex-military herbalist with several "remedies" that can only be bought with cash; a black-market dealer with more than a few ties to organised crime, working from the back of his truck; finally, there's Mercurio, a Ghoul arms dealer working for Prince Lacroix, capable of finding just about anything for anyone. A borderline case may be found in the form of Pisha the Nagrajara, a flesh-eating immortal lurking in the basement of a condemned hospital, who'll happily hand over some very useful items- provided you can find the occult items she's been searching for.

Web Comics

  • The webcomic Evil Inc. is all about one of these.

Web Original

  • For a short time in the early 2000s, there existed a parody website of Home Depot called Home Despot, which pretended to be the online version of Evil Mart. It provided our page image.
  • Uncyclopedia has 9-Eleven and Jihadā˜…Mart for all your martyrdom and freedom-fighting needs!

Western Animation

Real Life

  • In Real Life, there's the black market where you can get things you're not supposed to be legally getting.
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