Weekly Tube Show
Weekly Tube Show is mostly a series of unscripted anime parodies. They predominantly deal with old anime, usually from the 80s or 90s. Dragon Ball Z is the claim to fame with the most popular character, Piccolo, being portrayed as a pimp who, much to the other characters' annoyance, ceaselessly comments about his "dangalang". The parodies are more or less voiced by one guy known as Remix. In the beginning Remix did the editing, but today they are edited by another guy called Innagadadavida, who occasionally lends a voice or pitches a joke.
Tropes used in Weekly Tube Show include:
- Affably Evil: Cell in Weekly Tube Show is rather charming and enjoys the finer things such as Versace Dresses and Musicals while he brutally murders people.
- Alternative Character Interpretation: Piccolo in the original Dragon Ball, is rather reclusive and later becomes very wise and powerful. Weekly Tube Show's Piccolo is portrayed as being very obnoxious and ignorant.
- Badass Cape:"Check this shit out...whoosh* "Oh my god he's so sexy."
- Camp Gay: Frieza.
- Fantastic Racism: Namekians are often the target of this, especially from Frieza.
- Flanderization: Piccolo began as very cool and confident, asserting that his dick was slimiest and that he has the most shine. But subtly devolved into a lonely manchild with obvious insecurities.
- Though he remains quite confident.
- Transparent Closet: Piccolo is hinted at being in denial over his true sexuality... not to mention aggressively defensive over any accusations.
- Voice Changeling: It is simply astounding how accurately Remix is able to imitate almost all the dub voices.
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