< Weeds


  • Acceptable Targets: Fundamentalist Christians, supporters of the Iraq War (back when it was relevant), and pro-lifers are all portrayed extremely negatively.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: In season five, Nancy asking Andy to suckle her. Subverted in that it is mentioned once later in the episode, but then, never again.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: It's hard not to like at least one version of "Little Boxes".
    • Almost every episode has a lyrically appropriate song for the last few seconds of the show that run into the credits. It's almost always awesome.
  • Ear Worm: "Little Boxes". That is all.
  • Evil Is Sexy: While not evil per se, Celia Hodes does somehow manage to make being an insufferable cunt oddly sexy.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Nancy and Andy, so much.
    • Fridge Horror: If she had sold the house in Agrestic back in 2005-06 when real estate was high, she'd have been at least free and clear with enough for a halfway decent place elsewhere, if not a nice nest egg on top of that...
    • In season 6, Shane and Silas note how important, no matter the dire situation of their family, Nancy's designer shoes are to her. Granted, she later trades a pair for an important connection later on...
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Doug's son Josh was revealed to now be living in Chicago. Josh was played by Justin Chatwin in the Pilot, and he now co-stars in the Foreign Remake of Shameless, which takes place in Chicago.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Celia. Yes, she is, by her own admission a bitch, but you have to feel sorry for someone that just about no-one on the show aside from Nacncy (kind of) likes. Her own daughter was going to break her up and sell her for parts and no-one was willing to put up the money to prevent it. No-one. There are other times too, like her period in prison when it was made fairly clear that she was another inmates unwilling "girlfriend". Admittedly doesn't happen often but it does happen.
  • Les Yay: Celia and Nancy. Isabelle lampshades this at one point. It's quite flagrant much later when Celia begins adopting Nancy's look and mannerisms, including iced latte and doe-eyed expression.
  • The Scrappy: Silas seems to be headed this way in season 7; Jill is one as well.
  • What the Hell Casting Agency: Is that an Olsen twin?
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