Wedding Deadline
(sounds of fighting outside the chappel)
The Impressive Clergyman: So tweasure your wuv...
Prince Humperdinck: Skip to the end.
Clergyman: Have you the wing?
Buttercup: Here comes my Westley now.
(cut away for a bit to Wesley, Inigo and Feznik battling through Humperdink's guards)
Clergyman: ...and do you,Pwincess Buwwercup...
Humperdinck: Man and wife! Say man and wife!!
According to this trope, a wedding becomes official when the bride says "I do", or the priest says "I pronounce you man and wife." Any character wishing to break up this wedding must do so before these words are uttered. There is also the implication that once the couple is married, it's permanent, and any romantic loose ends must be discarded.
The boring truth is that a marriage becomes official either when the local government clerk's office processes the paperwork or when the marriage certificate is signed by the officiant. The wedding ceremony may have no bearing on the legal status of the marriage, although in certain jurisdictions the parties do have to take certain specific oaths for a marriage to be valid. Marriages can be canceled in most localities. (If you're in an unhappy marriage, consult your local laws for details.) Although, this may be Truth in Television for various historical eras and fantasy worlds based on them.
In a few religious traditions, marriage begins exactly at the moment the couple have both said "I do" or the priest says "I pronounce you man and wife". This however has nothing to do with the legal status of the marriage. It was once true that consummation was necessary for a marriage to be fully legal, and unconsummated marriages could easily be annulled: this is less common in modern times, when annulment is more likely to be tied to the length of the marriage or any allegation of fraud than whether it was consummated.
This should be a Discredited Trope, but it's not, probably because it's incredibly useful to writers of romantic stories. A wedding imposes a deadline for the consummation of a relationship. A deadline during the wedding allows the protagonist to make an exciting race against the clock to win back his or her beloved at the last possible second. Furthermore, a wedding ceremony makes it easy to put all the main characters in one place for the story's riveting conclusion.
In short, the Wedding Deadline is something that viewers seem quite willing to suspend disbelief over.
May come into play in a You Have Waited Long Enough plot.
See Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace, Skip to the End, and Altar the Speed.
"I do" Examples
- In Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Marian says "I do..." and then appends "...NOT!" as the titular hero charges into the scene.
- In Flash Gordon, while being married to Emperor Ming Dale Arden also uses the "I do NOT!" line.
- In the Richard Burton/Elizabeth Taylor film version of The Taming of the Shrew (and probably in a lot of stage versions as well), Katherine attempts to throw an "I do NOT" but Petruccio stops her mouth with a kiss after she says "I do."
Live-Action TV
- Friends. Rachel plans to stop Ross from marrying Emily and literally says that it's "not over until someone says 'I do'." Phoebe, trying to talk her out of it then desperately starts yelling "I do! I do!"
- The Sarah Jane Adventures. In "The Wedding Of Sarah Jane Smith", quite a lot will happen if Sarah Jane says "I do.", as with those words she would also bend to the Trickster's will.
- A Different World: Dwayne Wayne stops his future wife's wedding to convince her to marry him. It worked.
Western Animation
- In the Futurama episode "A Bicyclops Built For Two", Leela gets to "I d--" before Fry barges in, and shows that Alkazar is a shape-changing green cockroach, who has weddings to four other female freaks scheduled for the same day.It makes alot more sense when Alkazar explains that he rented the tux which shifts to different sizes with him which is presumably expensive.
- Teen Titans: Starfire uses the same, "I do... not!" line during an Arranged Marriage (and a phony one, at that) after Robin does his The Graduate parody.
"I now pronounce you man and wife" Examples
- Possibly in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. The Sheriff forces Marion through the ceremony, even answering the vows for her. The Bishop performing the ritual quickly rattles off the pronouncement (while the Sheriff is trying to force himself on Marion). When he gets to "man and wife", Marion turns to the Bishop and yells, "How could you?!"
Other Examples
- The Princess Bride actually does both: during the ceremony, Humperdinck urges the slow-talking priest to hurry up and get to "man and wife." But after Westley rescues Buttercup, Westley says the marriage isn't official because she didn't say "I do."
- Averted in the book. Humperdink really does marry Buttercup. Westley steals her away anyway. (His reasoning goes along the lines of "if you didn't mean it, it doesn't count".)
- In Spaceballs, the priest, annoyed at the numerous interruptions, says "Okay, this time we'll do the short short version! Do you?" "Yes!" "Do you?" "Yes!" "Good! You're married, kiss her!"
- Shrek seemed to imply that the kiss was what sealed the deal, as the main character barged in after the I do's. In the end, this mattered little, as the groom was devoured by a dragon less than five minutes later. The trope was also lampshaded when Donkey stops Shrek from barging in, claiming that they need to wait until "Speak now or forever hold your peace" for dramatic effect. Shrek humors him until they realize the ceremony has already passed that part, and barges in anyway.
- Fiona was worried about the kiss rather than the ceremony or the legality of the marriage, because her curse would cause her to permanently take the form of her "true love's first kiss"... and she (rightly) believed that Farquuad would refuse to kiss her after she morphed into an ogre at sunset.
- Technically they were married, but Fiona was immediately widowed.
- In Three Men and a Little Lady, two of the protagonists only manage to reveal the truth about Mary's mother's fiancee to her after she said "I Do.". When he points this out, the priest reveals himself to be the third protagonist in disguise, essentially making the whole wedding (supposedly) null and void.
- In Teresa Edgerton's second Celydonn trilogy, if a marriage is not consummated and the couple are not living together, it can be broken by a year's separation. Since Tryffin and Gwenlliant are living apart at the beginning of The Grail and the Ring while she is receiving magical training, and have had Innocent Cohabitation until then, they must get back together by midsummer or they will no longer be married.
Western Animation
- On Adventure Time the Ice King's wedding involves a weird Ice Kingdom ritual where he's lowered down to his bride by a rope, the marriage being official as soon as his beard touches her. In the end he winds up marrying Jake by mistake, which is promptly annulled.
Aversions, Subversions, and Counterexamples
Anime and Manga
- A storyline in Detective Conan revolved around an arranged date between the policewoman Sato and the snobbish superintendent Shiratori. Another policewoman, Yumi, tried to get Sato out of it by sending her "help", who Sato correctly guesses to be the shy Takagi, who also loves her. The brash Sato makes a deal with Shiratori that if Takagi doesn't show up before sunset, she will marry him. Unfortunately, Takagi is involved in a robbery case, with three witnesses all giving contradicting details on the culprit. Luckily, the main character gives Takagi some tips that helps him solve the case... but the culprit escapes, forcing him to give chase... a few minutes before sundown. In the end, he never actually makes it to the restaurant that Sato and Shiratori are at; the main character uses a decoy to trick both of them into thinking that Takagi actually showed up, then lures Sato to where Takagi actually is.
- In the movie The Wedding Singer, the marriage is broken up on the couple's flight to Las Vegas.
- Though it's played fairly straight in the musical of the film, as Julia and Glen's wedding in Las Vegas is ended when Robbie crashes it.
- Spoofed in The Lonely Guy, where Steve Martin's character makes it to the church just in the nick of time, pours out his heart to the gal of his dreams and begs her not to marry. Turns out he was in the wrong church, and he misses the deadline altogether. D'oh!
- And while the bride was a total stranger, the speech did give her pause to take a long, hard look at the marriage and got her to decide against it at the last moment.
- Something similar to the above example occurred in Corpse Bride, but in this case it was decided that the marriage was void since the wife was already dead (since the vows are binding only "until death do you part.") It was then concluded that, in order to make the marriage binding, the groom had to commit suicide at some point during the ceremony. She stops him at the last minute from committing suicide so he can marry his true love and passes on.
- The Graduate has Ben arriving at the church just as the minister is pronouncing Elaine and her beau as man and wife. But when he screams her name repeatedly, she decides to ditch her new hubby and take off with Ben instead.
- Harold Lloyd's Girl Shy climaxes with an epic Wedding Deadline race that greatly resembles that of The Graduate, 44 years later.
- Subverted to great effect in one Sherlock Holmes story, in which the detective and Dr. Watson, accompanied by one villain, barge in on the other, who is forcing marriage on the virtuous heroine who'd refused them both. "You're too late! She's my wife!" "No...she's your widow!" Bang. Once they get everybody sorted out, Holmes noted that the whole thing was void anyway, since the clergyman accomplice had been unfrocked; and that, "in any case, a forced marriage is no marriage, but it is a very serious felony, as you will discover before you have finished."
- Subverted in Bernard Cornwall's The Lords of the North where Uthred escapes from slavery to find that his fiancee has been married off in his absence, but that the marriage has not yet been consummated. He then forces one of the monks who has custody of her to admit that the marriage requires ceremony and consummation and she is, therefore, not actually married yet.
- Marmion by Sir Walter Scott: one assumes that lack of consummation is how Young Lord Lochinvar justifies stealing his 'fair Ellen' from her wedding reception.
- In the first book of A Series of Unfortunate Events, Violet manages to invalidate her marriage to Count Olaf (who was blackmailing her by threatening her infant sister) by not signing the marriage certificate correctly - specifically, by signing it with her left hand, not her right. She neglects to inform him of this loophole until after he has had her sister released (one wonders why she didn't simply get Sunny released and then get the marriage annulled on grounds of being forced).
- Pretty much all the adults in these books are either evil, spineless wimps, or utterly clueless, remember? Also, while it's a bad excuse, it was clear the adults were looking for ANY excuse whatsoever to annul it...but the 'forced' part must not have been on the books.
- Also bear in mind that she is fourteen at the time; while she was capable of working out a linguistic loophole, she probably did not have extensive knowledge of marital laws.
- Pretty much all the adults in these books are either evil, spineless wimps, or utterly clueless, remember? Also, while it's a bad excuse, it was clear the adults were looking for ANY excuse whatsoever to annul it...but the 'forced' part must not have been on the books.
Live-Action TV
- At Mark's wedding in Peep Show, Mark explains to Sophie that even if she had said "I Don't", they'd already filled in the paperwork and were therefore technically already married.
Newspaper Comics
- In the comic strip Bloom County, the Opus/Lola Granola Story Arc ended with the two actually getting married. But they agreed to annul it minutes later: the wedding kiss revealed that they had incompatible noses, which knocked Opus out cold and gave him a nightmare about his future with Lola - in the far-off Zeerust age of 2007 A.D., no less!
Video Games
- Final Fantasy X has a rather curious case. The heroes try and break up the wedding between the heroine and the villain before the ceremony goes through. But they get caught and it appears to anyways. This leaves one wondering how official a marriage can be when one of the participants is already dead. Is it illegit or does it make Yuna an Insta-Widow?.
- Aveyond: The Lost Orb has a complicated variation. Edward and his bride exchange vows, the priest pronounces them husband and wife... then Mel runs
Web Comics
- In Scary Go Round, the wedding of Erin and Bob Crowley is the key that starts the apocalypse. Shelley comes in too late to stop the marriage, but when she learns that the marriage hasn't been consummated yet, she simply texts her lawyer and has the marriage annulled, banishing the army of demons back into hell.
Web Original
- A piece by The Onion parodies this: "I'm Sure That Out-Of-Control Water-Skier Will Avoid Our Outdoor Wedding".