Web First
Not always practical.
A Web Original work that has been published in print.
May contain a Print Bonus.
Examples of Web First include:
Web Comics
- Trace now a Manhwa
- As well as Noblesse
- Megatokyo
- Questionable Content
- El Goonish Shive
- Flipside
- Gunnerkrigg Court
- Questionable Content
- Dinosaur Comics in print became "Your Whole Family Is Made of Meat."
- Xkcd's "Volume Zero."
- Pv P
- Axis Powers Hetalia
- The Non-Adventures of Wonderella: "why read for free what you can buy" says the ad.
- Girl Genius is an odd case that started off as an independent print comic. After publishing three and a half volumes, they moved to publishing online first in order to reach a larger audience.
- Hark! A Vagrant
- Cyanide & Happiness
- The Order of the Stick, with bonus material, side stories and prequels only available in print.
- Narbonic
- Skin Horse
- Khaos Komix, print version planned once the story is concluded.
- Variant; many of the t-shirts seen in Questionable Content wind up in the QC store if there's enough demand.
- Sluggy Freelance, with bonus material, though the collected volumes are lagging behind the online strip by several years.
- Bruno the Bandit
- Penny Arcade
- Axe Cop
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Apple Geeks
- Shortpacked has four volumes, Roomies one with a second on the way, and the first year of Dumbing of Age is set to be collected soon.
Web Animation
- Homestar Runner was successful enough to have many DVDs.
- Alejo And Valentina
- Making Fiends was picked up by Nicktoons and remade for TV.
- Happy Tree Friends started out as web animation but ended up getting a TV show.
Web Serial Novel
- John Dies at the End.
- Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy. Went from a popular science website to a nonfiction book.
- Amakute Hoshikute Torokeru Chuu started out as a web novel on Fuguriya's website before being adapted into the seventh game of the Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo series.
- Scott Adams published a number of his blog posts in the Dilbert book.
- How to Teach Physics to Your Dog started out this way
- Cake Wrecks has produced a book, complete with a book tour (to which many fans brought cakes of their own).
- Stuff White People Like started off as a blog and was made into a book.
- Julie and Julia: blog=> book => movie with Meryl Streep. A big gap in that final step, made by the fact that Nora Ephron just didn't like the attitude she got off of Julie Powell from her blog.
- Jump the Shark from the late website of the same name
- Comic Book Legends Revealed from the blog Comics Should Be Good - half new items and half items already posted on the blog.
- The Law of Superheroes by James Daily and Ryan Davidson was born from their blog, Law and the Multiverse.
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